M E M O / N O T E D E S E R V I C E
To / Destinataire |
ToMayor and Members of Council |
File/N° de fichier: |
From / Expéditeur |
Doug Moore, Manager, Venture Properties, Business Transformation Services |
Subject / Objet |
Trade shows at Lansdowne Subject |
Date: August 27, 2008 |
Firstly I would like to offer my apologies for any confusion regarding the trade show bookings at Lansdowne Park that have resulted in an increase in e-mail traffic protesting show content. It is the intent of this e-mail to address two particular trades shows, one that is presently booked called Secure Canada, and one that Lansdowne Park is presently holding dates for but has no signed agreement organized by the Canadian Association of Defense and Security Industries (CANSEC)
Both of these events Secure Canada and CANSEC have been successfully staged at the Ottawa Congress Centre in recent years. The reconstruction of the Congress Centre has forced organizers to seek alternate venues during the construction period.
The Civic Centre has been booked next month for Secure Canada 2008, a technology showcase focused on public safety, first-responder and other non-offensive applications such as long-range surveillance and communications, public infrastructure protection, border patrol and port security. Close to 3,000 delegates from police forces and national governments in Canada, the U.S. and Europe are attending.
For this event, organizers have assured us that weapons and firearms will not be displayed at any exhibit. As well, RPAM staff has consulted with Ottawa Police Service and Legal Services, as well as Corporate Security and were informed the event does not pose a threat to public safety and security.
Staff believes the recent inquiries and media reports stating the City has booked a military hardware showcase for the Civic Centre at Lansdowne Park for May 2009 are more directed at the second conference/trade show anticipated for May 2009 hosted by CANSEC. This show would feature product presentations on defense and security technologies. Lansdowne Park staff is in discussion with conference organizers on the extent of armament presentations. For the purposes of clarity the following attachment is an information fact sheet provided by CANSEC outlining the intent of their organization and the show content that would be displayed as part of this event.
As in the case of the Secure Canada show, conference participants are expected to consist mostly of government officials responsible for national security, public safety and emergency planning. Both shows are by invitation and pre registration only and are not open to general admission by the public.
Staff, in terms of doing due diligence, consulted with Legal Services to inquire about the validity of a former City of Ottawa (1989) by-law prohibiting future ARMX exhibitions, and were informed that the by-law no longer applied to Lansdowne Park as a result of it’s sale to the former Region in 1999. At the very least this meant that staff were able to enter into discussion with the show producers of CANSEC, and to date have done so in good faith. However staff has not encumbered the City with any signed agreement. At this point we have held tentative dates and have been in the process of negotiation.
Given the controversial nature of this event, staff will be bringing forward a report to Council at the earliest possible date for direction. The report will confirm the aforementioned details, as well as the financial implications for the City arising from the rental, and the extent to which the conference would respect previous Council decisions regarding the booking of similar events.
Please contact me if you have any questions or require more information.
cc: K. Kirkpatrick, City Manager
S. Finnamore, Executive Director, Business Transformation Services