Motion to be voted on by Corporate Services Committee,
City of Ottawa, June 2, 2009

Whereas on April 19, 1989, the City of Ottawa passed a Motion 11 to 1 resolving that Lansdowne Park and other city facilities not be leased to any future arms exhibitions;
Whereas although this Council resolution is still respected as applying to all other City facilities;
Whereas for the first time in 20 years, contrary to the ban, a Canadian exhibition of military hardware and technology, called CANSEC 2009, took place at Lansdowne Park from 27-28 May;
Whereas weapons systems containing Canadian components often, intentionally or unintentionally, injure and kill civilians;

Whereas Ottawa is a member of Mayors for Peace and this is inconsistent with hosting arms trade shows, like CANSEC, which facilitate the export of equipment used in nuclear weapons delivery systems;
Whereas exports of Canadian military equipment and components end up in countries which persistently violate human rights and/or are engaged in waging wars that are inimical to Canada's stated moral and humanitarian values;
Whereas the international arms trade serves to increase militarization throughout the world and is inconsistent with arms limitations efforts;
Whereas CANSEC '09 is a closed event and restricted to Canadian government officials, foreign government representatives, police and security forces and military industry representatives;
Whereas Lansdowne Park is a publicly supported recreation and trade show facility;
Therefore be it resolved that the City's 1989 Motion be honoured and respected so that Lansdowne Park and other city facilities not be leased to CANSEC or other such military exhibitions.
And, be it further resolved that the City of Ottawa call upon the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada to pass similar Motions to prevent the leasing of their facilities to such military trade shows.