Afghanistan, Iraq and "Missile Defence":
Canadian Hypocrisy and Complicity in the Business of War

Click here to inquire about arranging for a presentation in your city.


This COAT slideshow has so far been done in the following cities:


Ottawa (about 225 people attended)

(See the poster here):


What: A slideshow/talk on "Afghanistan, Iraq and 'Missile Defence':
Canadian Hypocrisy and Complicity in the Business of War"


When: Wednesday, September 27th, 7 p.m.


Where: Marion Auditorium (MRN AUD), Marion Hall building,

140 Louis Pasteur Street, University of Ottawa campus.




Directions: Louis Pasteur is one block west of King Edward. Just south of Marie-Curie (which is an extension of Somerset St. East)

Marion Hall is just south of the Campus OC bus stop on the Nicholas St. Transitway.


Sponsor: University of Ottawa "Activism Class"


Contact: Prof. Denis Rancourt   562-5800 ext 6774


Toronto (about 120 people attended)
(See the poster here)


What: A slideshow/talk on "Afghanistan, Iraq and 'Missile Defence':
Canadian Hypocrisy and Complicity in the Business of War"


When: Tuesday ,October 24, 7.30 p.m.


Where: St. Andrew's United Church, 117 Bloor Street East




Directions: Between Church St. and Yonge. Walk east from Yonge-Bloor Subway on south side of Boor.

Limited free parking-enter via Hayden Street, one way west, one block south of Bloor Street. Press button, say "VANA" or "Veterans"



Veterans Against Nuclear Arms, Ontario-Quebec Region (VANA)

Science for Peace (SfP)



Audrey Tobias (VANA)   416-398-7447

Jean Smith (SfP)   416-535-6605



Peterborough (about 80 people attended)
(See the poster here)


What: A slideshow/talk on "Afghanistan, Iraq and 'Missile Defence':
Canadian Hypocrisy and Complicity in the Business of War"


When: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 7 pm


Where: Market Hall, 336 George Street North


Directions: Under the clock tower, at the corner of George and Charlotte Streets.




Sponsor: Kawartha Ploughshares


Contact: Joyce Barrett   743-0241 




Regina (See the poster here):


Event One (about 60 people attended the COAT slideshow):

When: Saturday, October 28th, 2006, 8:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


What: One-Day Conference: "Making Peace with Earth," Linking the Environment, Social Justice & Peace:

Click here for more details on this conference.


Workshop: COAT slideshow on "Canada's Role in Afghanistan," 11 am - 12:30 p.m.

Click here for details on this and other workshops.


Where: Knox-Metropolitan United Church, 2340 Victoria Avenue




Directions: At the corner of Victoria and Lorne Streets.


Sponsor (of the workshop): Regina Peace Council


Contact: Peter Gehl   306-949-1222




Event Two (about 40 people attended)

What: A slideshow/talk on "Afghanistan, Iraq and 'Missile Defence':
Canadian Hypocrisy and Complicity in the Business of War"


When: Saturday, October 28th, 2006, 7:30 p.m.


Where: Unitarian Fellowship of Regina, 2700 College Ave


Directions: At the corner of College Ave and Angus St. Kitty-corner to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum then one block west on College.




Regina Peace Council

Unitarian Fellowship of Regina


Contact: Peter Gehl   306-949-1222

Unitarian Fellowship of Regina  306-522-7357




Edmonton (See the poster here):


Event One (about 25 people attended):

What: Edmonton potluck for anti-war activists

When: Sunday, October 29, 2006, 6:30 pm


Where: Woodcroft Condo, 11561 - 136 Street



Edmonton Unitarian Social Justice Committee

Project Ploughshares-Edmonton



Sylvia Krogh   780-454-6216

Rhyl and Bill 780-432-4052


Event  Two (about 80 people attended):

What: A slideshow/talk on "Afghanistan, Iraq and 'Missile Defence':
Canadian Hypocrisy and Complicity in the Business of War"


When: Monday, October 30, 2006, 7:30 pm


Where: Unitarian Church of Edmonton, 10804 119th St. NW.





Edmonton Unitarian Social Justice Committee

Project Ploughshares-Edmonton


Contact: Sylvia Krogh   780-454-6216

Rhyl and Bill 780-432-4052


Click here to inquire about arranging for a presentation in your city.