Carol Winter
"Over the years Richard Sanders has helped to rectify the delusion that Canada is a benevolent, peace-building nation.  His articles are scrupulously researched.

"'Captive Canada' is a devastating documentation of domestic exploitation, racism, slavery, genocide, internment and work camps.  It demonstrates how even sincere reform-motivated Canadians have been duped into supporting outrageously unjust government policies. Only by acknowledging the atrocities that we continue to support and profit from can we achieve a state of genuine social justice and moral leadership.

"Canadians owe Mr. Sanders a debt of gratitude for his brutally honest portrayal of the crimes against humanity that we have been guilty of, from the killing of Iraqi children to the savage segregation imposed on First Peoples.  We also need to explore his insights into how current policies packaged as protecting human rights actually promote and support war and the arms trade."

Carol Winter is a social justice activist on the Peterborough Social Planning Council's Board of Directors. Epitomising the adage: "Think globally and act locally!" Carol is an outspoken community advocate for those oppressed by poverty, racism and war. She has, for example, been involved in many protests against Canada's indefinite detention of migrants awaiting deportation in Lindsay Ontario's high-security jail. Although named by a local newspaper as one of the "20 most influential people in Peterborough," and very foolishly heralded as "Saint Carol," she roundly rejects all such ridiculous honorifics, calling herself "crotchety, moody, stubborn and even pig-headed." Keep at it Carol!

The above quotation is from a collection of subscriber's comments about issue #68 of Press for Conversion!
(the magazine of the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade.

This issue is called 

Captive Canada:
Renditions of the Peaceable Kingdom at War,
from Narratives of WWI and the Red Scare
to the Mass Internment
of Civilians

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