This table was produced by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT). 
For other tables in this series, see
"Canadian Small Arms Exports to the Middle East/North Africa"
See also, COAT's list of key "Canadian Munitions Firms Exporting to Middle East/North Africa"
For a wider range of exports see COAT's
"Canadian Military Exports to the Middle East/North Africa."

Small Arms
to Iran

See "Source Notes" below, regarding the incompleteness of this data.

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Weapons Type

Value ($US) Weight (kg) Units
2002 Parts & Accessories 34,245 232
2007 Parts & Accessories 6,472

2008 Parts & Accessories 7,229 1,229

Definitions: "In general...small arms and light weapons means anything that can be carried up a hill by two adults, or transported on the back of a jeep, and specifically includes the following categories of weapons:
small arms – revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, assault rifles, sub-machine guns, and light machine guns; and
light weapons – heavy machine guns, hand-held under barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems, and mortars of less than 100mm calibre."
Haug, M et al.: "Shining a Light on Small Arms Exports: The Record of State Transparency", Small Arms Survey (2002)

Information in the above table originates from customs data compiled by the UN Statistics Division (Comtrade database).
This data was accessed by COAT using the NISAT database which is produced by the
Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfers.  For more information on NISAT database, refer to these two sources:
(1) NISAT database public user manual
Haug, M et al.: "Shining a Light on Small Arms Exports: The Record of State Transparency", Small Arms Survey (2002)

Source Notes:
"Many transfers (possibly a majority) of small arms never pass through customs, especially government-to-government transfers that are transported through military or other channels."
Haug, M et al.: "Shining a Light on Small Arms Exports: The Record of State Transparency", Small Arms Survey (2002)

"Even though the majority of the information [in the NISAT database] comes from official government sources, in many cases it is incomplete and only offers a partial snapshot of the global trade in small arms and light weapons."
NISAT database public user manual