A Glossary of Nonviolent Struggle
Mass movements have in recent years challenged established
governments by nonviolent resistance and rebellion - sometimes alongside
violence and sometimes to its virtual exclusion. Similar movements have
occurred in the past in Iran (1978-1979), Czechoslovakia (1968-1969), the U.S.
Deep South (1950s and 1960s), India (1920s to 1940s) and elsewhere.
Journalists have reported on these struggles, and they have
usually recognized their nonviolent character. But they have not always
described nonviolent action in clear terms:
Powerful, dynamic struggles have been sometimes labeled
"passive" simply because no violence was used. Demonstrations of
thousands who were strictly nonviolent have been labeled "violent" as
a whole because of a small isolated act by a handful of persons - or even
because the disciplined nonviolent demonstrators were violently attacked by
police or troops!
Other terms have also been used to describe nonviolent
struggles without attention to clarity of meaning. Journalists need more
precise terms to describe action and ideas in this field.
Key Terms:
Bloodless coup: A successful coup d'etat in which there is no
killing. Not to be confused with nonviolent struggle, although such a coup
sometimes follows nonviolent protest and resistance against the government.
Boycott: Social, economic or political non-cooperation.
Civic Strike: A collective suspension of normal activities
(economic, social and political) by an entire society to achieve a common
political objective.
Civil disobedience: Deliberate, open and peaceful violation of
particular laws, decrees, regulations, military or police orders, or other
governmental directives. The command may be disobeyed because it is seen
as itself illegitimate or immoral, or because it is a symbol of other policies
that are opposed. Civil disobedience may be practiced by individuals,
groups or masses of people. Civilian-based defense: A national defense policy to
deter and defeat aggression, both internal (i.e., coups d'etat) and external
(i.e., invasions) by preparing the population and institutions for massive
nonviolent resistance and defiance. The broad strategy is to deny the
attackers' objectives, block establishment of their government and subvert their
Civilian or nonviolent insurrection: A nonviolent uprising against
a dictatorship, or other unpopular regime, usually involving widespread
repudiation of the regime as illegitimate, mass strikes, massive demonstrations,
an economic shutdown and widespread political non-cooperation. Political
non-cooperation may include action by government employees and mutiny by police
and troops. In the final stages, a parallel government often emerges.
A civilian insurrection may disintegrate the established regime in days or
weeks, as opposed to a long-term struggle of many months or years. Civilian
insurrections often end with the departure of the deposed rulers from the
country. (The ousters of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986 and the Shah of
Iran in 1979 are examples.)
Economic boycott: The withdrawal or withholding of economic
cooperation in the form of buying, selling or handling of goods or services,
often accompanied by efforts to induce others to do likewise. It may be practiced
on local, regional, national or international levels.
Economic non-cooperation: The use of economic boycotts and/or
Economic sanctions: Usually, the imposition of international
economic boycotts and embargoes. The term can also be used in domestic
conflicts to refer to labor strikes and economic boycotts, shutdowns and
Economic shutdown: A suspension of the economic activities of a
city, area or country, sufficient to produce economic paralysis. It
combines a workers' general strike with closing of businesses by owners and
Embargo: An economic boycott initiated and enforced by a
Fast: Deliberate abstention from certain or all food. When
applied in a social or political conflict, it may be combined with a moral
appeal seeking to change attitudes. It may also be intended simply to
force the opponent to grant certain objections, in which case it is called a
hunger strike.
General Strike: A work stoppage by a majority of workers in the
more important industries of an area or country, intended to produce an economic
standstill to achieve political or economic objectives. Certain vital
services, as health, food and water, may be exempted. Such strikes may be
symbolic, lasting only an hour, to communicate an opinion, or may be used to
produce economic paralysis in order to force concessions from the opponent.
Mutiny: Refusal by police or troops to obey orders. It can
in extreme cases entail individual or group desertion. It is a method of
nonviolent action unless the mutineers resort to violence.
Non-cooperation: Acts that deliberately restrict, withhold or
discontinue social, economic or political cooperation with an institution,
policy or government. A general class of methods of nonviolent action.
Nonviolence: Either (1) The behavior of people who in a conflict
refrain from violent acts, or (2) Any of several belief systems that reject
violence on principle, not just as impractical. Otherwise, the term is
best not used, since it often contributes to ambiguity and confusion. To
describe specific actions or movements, the recommended terms are:
"nonviolent action," "nonviolent resistance" or
"nonviolent struggle."
Nonviolent action: A technique of action in conflicts in which
participants conduct the struggle by doing - or refusing to do - certain acts
without using physical violence. It is an alternative to both passive
submission and violence. The technique includes many specific methods,
which are grouped into three main classes: nonviolent protest and persuasion,
non-cooperation and nonviolent intervention. The technique's variables
include motives for using it, objectives, the way success is to be accomplished
and the relation between nonviolent action and other forms of action.
Nonviolent discipline: Orderly adherence to the planned strategy
and tactics of an action and to nonviolent behavior even in face of repression.
This is a major factor in the success of a nonviolent struggle movement.
Nonviolent resistance: Nonviolent struggle, conducted largely by
noncooperation, in reaction to a disapproved act, policy or government. The
broader terms "nonviolent action" and "nonviolent struggle"
are preferred to refer to the overall nonviolent technique of action and to
action in which the nonviolent group also takes the initiative or intervenes, as
in a sit-in.
Nonviolent sanctions: The methods of the technique of nonviolent
action. The term is used especially when one wishes to make clear that these
methods are not merely expressive behavior but are ways to wield power, exercise
influence, inflict punishments and impose costs. Nonviolent sanctions are
less likely than violent ones to be simple reprisals and more likely to be
intended to achieve a given objective.
Nonviolent struggle: A synonym for "nonviolent action."
This term may be used to indicate that the nonviolent action in a conflict is
particularly purposeful or aggressive. The term is especially useful to
describe nonviolent action against determined and resourceful opponents who use
repressive measures and countermeasures.
Pacifism: Several types of belief systems of principled rejection
of violence. Pacifism is distinct from nonviolent action, which is usually
applied as a practical way to act by people who are not pacifists. Pacifist
belief systems, at a minimum, reject participation in all international or civil
wars or violent revolutions. Pacifists may support nonviolent struggle, or
may oppose it on ethical grounds as too conflictual.
Passive resistance: A nineteenth century term once used to
describe nonviolent struggle. The term is now in disfavor and rejected
because "passive" is plainly inaccurate to describe nonviolent non-cooperation
and defiance.
People power: The power capacity of a mobilized population and its
institutions using nonviolent forms of struggle. The term was especially
used during the 1986 Philippine nonviolent insurrection.
Political non-cooperation: The withholding of usual obedience to, or
participation in, the political system. The aim may be to correct a
specific grievance or to disintegrate a government. Political non-cooperation
can take many forms, including withholding of allegiance, civil disobedience of
"illegitimate" laws and governmental refusal of diplomatic
recognition. A synonym for "political boycott."
Satyagraha: Gandhi's version of nonviolent action and also his
fuller belief system enjoining nonviolent personal behavior and social
Strike: A group's deliberate restriction or suspension of work,
usually temporary, to put pressure on employers or sometimes the government.
Strikes take many forms and range widely in extent and duration.
Transarmament: The process of incrementally building a nation's
civilian-based defense capacity and gradually phasing out its military defense
capacity. "Transarmament" is contrasted to
"disarmament" which involves a simple reduction or abandonment of
military capacity without providing a substitute means for national defense.
For more information, contact: The Albert Einstein Institution, 1430
Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Tel.: 617-876-0311; Email: einstein@igc.apc.org