Cover  (open link in a new window)
(open link in a new window)
(open link in a new window)

Military Air Shows

  Military Aircraft: Symbols with Diverse Meanings    (open link in a new window)
  Quiz: Why Should Military Air Shows be Opposed? 
(open link in a new window)

Who's Involved in Military Air Shows and Why 

Government: Footing the Bill for Fuel and other Expenses  (open link in a new window)
War Show Organizers: How they Target Children 
(open link in a new window)
     How Wars Target Children 
(open link in a new window)
Business: Money makes the show go around 
(open link in a new window)
Military Planners: Recruitment, PR and PSYOPs 
(open link in a new window)
Community Groups: Non-profits that Profit from War 
(open link in a new window)
Spectators: The Target Audience 
(open link in a new window)
Air Force Pilots: Heroes or Automatons? 
(open link in a new window)
     Poems:  "So Long Mom" and "All that is Holy" 
(open link in a new window)
Corporate Media: Partners in Promoting War (Shows) 
(open link in a new window)
Concerned Citizens: Opposing Military Air Shows  
(open link in a new window)

Warplanes and wars

COAT's Database on Air Shows, Warplanes & Weapons  (open link in a new window)
Whose Military Aircraft have Entertained in Canada?  (open link in a new window)
Wars, Invasions and other Military Operations  (open link in a new window)

Weapons: Weapons Systems as Sources of Mass Entertainments

Landmines: Killing and Maiming for Years to Come  (open link in a new window)
Biological Weapons: US Germ Warfare in Korea 
(open link in a new window)
     Some Canadian Connections to the US Biowarfare Program 
(open link in a new window)
BLU-82: Commando Vault, the Biggest Conventional Bomb 
(open link in a new window)
Chemical Weapons: Tear Gas and Nerve Gas 
(open link in a new window)
     Herbicides: Agents Orange, Blue, Green, White, Pink, Purple 
(open link in a new window)
     Different Accounts of Agent Orange 
(open link in a new window)
Napalm: Burning People Alive 
(open link in a new window)
Antipersonnel Cluster Bombs: Landmines by another name 
(open link in a new window)
     Everyday Life with Cluster Bombs in Afghanistan 
(open link in a new window)
     If Cluster Bombs Could Talk 
(open link in a new window)
     Civilian Victims of Cluster Bombs 
(open in a new window)
Air-Launched Cruise Missiles: Smart Bombs 
(open link in a new window)
Depleted Uranium: The A-10 Warthog's "Dirty" Bomb 
(open link in a new window)
Fuel / Air Explosives: A Terrifying Psychological Weapon 
(open link in a new window)
Nuclear Weapons: Preparing for Global Annihilation 
(open link in a new window)
     Testing, Accidents, Threats 
(open link in a new window)

Canada's Annual Report on Military Exports for 2000  (open in a new window) 


Vana update  (open in a new window)
The National Newsletter of Veterans Against Nuclear Arms
The Case for Ending Launch on Warning
Is Intervention Justified?
Poem: Isotopes have very long memories
Short Shots
VANA Convention 2002
To Protect Canadians from Acts of Terrorism