Opening Words (Reverend Frances Deverell)

We meet here to honour the life of Sylvia Sanders.

Let this be an hour of celebration, where we draw inspiration from the example of a vital woman.

As we let ourselves feel the grief of loss, let us remember how moved we have all been to be a part of Sylvia's life.
Welcome.  Welcome to all of you who have taken the time to come together to be here to share in celebrating Sylvia's many-faceted life and to keep her vibrant spirit alive within us.
I am the Rev. Frances Deverell, the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ottawa which meets in city's east end.  On behalf of Sylvia's beloved partner of 61 years, Roy Sanders, and their children and grandchildren, I welcome you here today as we draw together some of the many threads that were woven together to make her life. We will share some of our many memories of her and we will join our voices together to sing some of her favourite songs.
Emily and Ben Wiffen will light the chalice, and perhaps even Arthur and Erica Sanders will join them in doing this.