Here is a letter from the Peacewatch working group of the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawacalling on Mayor O'Brien and Ottawa City Councillors to "reinstate your 1989 commitment to ban all war-related trade shows from any  municipal property."

Click here for more information on this campaign to oppose CANSEC 2009.

Dear Mr. L.  O'Brien and Councillors,

The First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa has always been strongly involved in Peace and Social Justice issues.

Our Congregation has especially been inspired by the  UN (through UNESCO)  proclamation to  call the years 2001-2010 the "International decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World."

Therefore I write to you with our deep concern about the decision by the City of Ottawa to overturn the 1989 decision on Weapons Trade Shows in municipal facilities.
In 1989 Ottawa City Council passed a motion declaring that "city facilities not be leased to ARMX or other such arms exhibitions"

But after 20 years of respecting this motion CANSEC 2009 is now scheduled to take place in Lansdowne Park May 27 and 28. When I checked the CANSEC Website to find out the aim of the show and which companies are involved, it became clear to me that CANSEC is a big arms trade show, just like ARMX 1989.
I  call on you and Council to revisit the issue and reinstate your 1989 commitment to ban all war-related trade shows from any  municipal property.

We believe there is another way possible to bring peace.
We believe that a fuller development  of strengthening values, attitudes and ways of behaviour can be more inducive to promote peace among individuals and nations.
On the other hand the Arms Industry symbolizes and proliferates violence, conflict and war in the world.

Dan Morrison
Chair, Peacewatch working group
First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa