Karen Rodman
Director, Just Peace Advocates

"Defunding the Myths and Cults of Cold War Canada" [is] presented brilliantly, providing facts and an analysis that tell a history not well known by most Canadians. Sanders’ meticulous research shines...a light on the fallacy that Canada is a benevolent, peace-building nation.

"This latest piece exposes the fascist roots of Canada's Cold War émigrés from Eastern Europe and their collaboration with the government from the end of the WWII to the present day....

"Sanders’ latest work reveals not only another example of Canada's shameful history, but its ongoing support for far-right groups, movements and foreign policies that are promoting a dangerous, new Cold War."


Karen Rodman is director of Just Peace Advocates, which promotes accountability to the rule of law with a specific focus on the human rights of the Palestinian and Kashmiri peoples in their struggles for self determination. Karen is a retired senior manager with over 30 years in the Ontario public service.

Defunding the Myths and Cults of
Cold War Canada:
Ongoing state support for East European
émigré groups with deep fascist roots

Collaborators, Cults, Crusades and Coverups
in an era of “truth and reconciliation”

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