War Shows
un-banned as anti-war posters banned
The Leveller, November 27, 2010, p.11
Stoking the Tsunamis of War and Repression:
Canada’s military exports arm world’s
most belligerent nations
CPPA Monitor, May 1, 2011
Planned to Weapons Bazaar in Ottawa
Peace and Environment News, May-June 2010, p.7
A Very Canadian Coup:
The top 10 ways that Canada aided the 2004 coup in Haiti and helped
subject Haitians to a brutal reign of terror
CCPA Monitor, April 1, 2010
Fuelling Wars, Supplying the Warmongers:
Canadian government heavily subsidizing our military companies
CCPA Monitor, March 1, 2010
Making a Killing on War:
Notorious Military Trade Show
Headed for Our Nation’s Capital
Canadian Dimension, March/April, 2009
Profiting from the
Slaughter of Innocents in Iraq:
Canadian War Industries aiding & abetting production of major US
Weapons Systems in the Iraq War
Centre for Research on Globalisation,
April 2, 2009
Canadian Military Exports to Israel:
Aiding and Abetting War Crimes in Gaza (2008-2009)
Centre for Research on Globalisation,
March 18, 2009
Stop Making a Killing on War!
Centre for Research on Globalisation,
Dec. 18, 2008
Canada's Real Role in Iraq:
Our new Defence Chief commanded U.S. troops in Iraq
CCPA Monitor, Sept. 1, 2008, pp.1, 6.
Canada's Covert
War in Iraq
CCPA Monitor, Sept. 1, 2008,
Are Canadians Contravening
the Global Ban
on Anti-Personnel Landmines?
The Battles, May 26, 2008
Canada's Secret War in Iraq
Common Ground Magazine, February 2008, pp.30, 18
Canada sells RADARSAT to
US weapons and space industry
Common Ground Magazine, February 2008, p.31
Nuclear Bombers in Ottawa, Again!
June 11, 2002
A Plot "Made in the USA":
CIA Fingerprints:
Americans behind the Plot that deposed Diefenbaker
Key Quotes on coup-related events of January 1963
John Diefenbaker's "Made in Canada" Policies
Just Say
Know! The CIA's War on Democracy
Press for Conversion! Jan. 2001
(A People's History of the CIA:
The Subversion of Democracy from Australia to Zaire)
"Latin American Generals in Ottawa!"
February 3, 1998
Canada's RADARSAT satellite company
sold to "weapons & space" giant, ATK
Activist Magazine,
Feb 2008
The Canadian-backed Coup Regime’s Reign of Terror
(How CIDA’s NCHR-Haiti Cleverly Promoted and then Covered up Atrocities)
Centre for Research on Globalisation,
November 2, 2007
"Missile Defense" Alive and Well in Canada
Canadian Dimension, September/October 2006
We Didn't Really Say 'No' to Missile Defence.
Canadian complicity and participation in BMD continues
CCPA Monitor, October 1, 2006, p.1
Canadian Military Components used in Israel’s War Against Lebanon
Centre for Research on Globalisation, August 15, 2006
Satellites of War:
RADARSAT and Canada's Leading Role in the Militarisation of Space
Canadian Dimension, July/August, 2006
Canada and the Militarization of Space (broken link)
Peace and Environment News,
July/August, 2006
Canada's Leading Role in the Militarisation of Space
COAT website, April 2006
Missile Defence: Still Alive and Well in Canada (broken
Peace and Environment News,
December 2005-January 2006
Bill C35: Granting Diplomatic Immunity to State Terrorists in Canada
Aldeilis, July 18, 2005
The Myth of Canada’s Military Tragicomedy
Press for Conversion!, June 2005
The Myth of Canada's Anti-BMD Decision
CCPA Monitor, September 2005
Canada, a Sad Tale of Pregnancy and Coverups
Press for Conversion!, June 2005
Canadian Complicity in the War on Iraq
The ACTivist Magazine, Winter 2004
Canada and the Big Business of War
Canadian Dimension, March/April 2004
Pensions For War (broken link)
Peace and Environment News,
February 2004
Canada Pension Plan:
Investing in war-profiting businesses.
Catholic New Times, December 24, 2003
Canada's Role
in the War and the Media's Crisis of Credibility
Centre for Research on Globalisation, July 2003
Canada—More "Willing" Than We Seem (broken link)
Peace and Environment News,
April 2003
Canada’s "Secret" Contribution to the War in Iraq
Centre for Research on Globalisation, March 27, 2003
Unravelling the Web of Pretexts for War (broken link)
Peace and Environment News,
March 2003
Unravelling the Tangled Web of Pretext Stratagems
The Mexican-American War
1898: The Spanish-American War
1915: World War I
1941: World War II
1950: The Korean War
1964: The Vietnam War
1979: The Covert War in Afghanistan
1983: The Invasion of Grenada
1989: The Invasion of Panama
Press for Conversion, January 2003, pp.3-28
Impending Invasion of Iraq: the Real Reasons (broken link)
Peace and Environment News,
Dec 2002-Jan 2003
The History of Bioterrorism in America
Race and History, Nov. 24, 2002
Nuclear Bombers in Ottawa, Again!
(broken link)
Peace and Environment News, July-August 2002
24 Reasons to Oppose NATO
Peace Research, May 2002, pp. 91-96.
24 Reasons
to Oppose NATO
The Emperors New Clothes, September 8, 2001
Did Canadian Weapons Kill Protesters in Papua New Guinea?
Press for Conversion!, July 2001
Peace Festival, Not War Show!
Peace and Environment News, September 2000
Dismantling the Myth of "Canada the Peacemaker"
Peace and Environment News, May 2000
Canadian Military Exports Increased in 1998
Peace and Environment News,
February 2000
Seeing Through the Myth
Peace and Environment News (PEN), July-August 2000
(Responding to
Robin Collin's critique of "Dismantling the Myth of 'Canada the
Peacemaker,'" PEN, May 2000)
In Search of Heroes: Canada's Peacemaker Myth
Press for Conversion!, July 2000
"Dismantling the Myth of 'Canada the Peacemaker'"
Peace and Environment News, May 2000
Dismantling the Myth of 'Canada the Peacemaker'
Press for Conversion!, April 2000
Viagra: Yugoslavia Solves NATO's Midlife Crisis
Peace Research, May 1999, pp. 60-62
NATO's Viagra: Yugoslavia to the Rescue
Peace and Environment News,
May-June 1999
Military Exports, Human Rights and Liberals
Press for Conversion!, March 1999
Activists to Make Air Show a Peace Issue
Peace and Environment News,
May-June 1998
Talking Peace, Selling War
Peace and Environment News,
March 1998
Activists to Protest Military Side of Air Show
Peace and Environment News,
May-June 1997
Peace Tour Planned for Air Show
Peace and Environment News,
March 1997
Recycle your War Toys for Peaceful Uses
Peace and Environment News,
December 1995-January 1996
Canada's Military Exports, Human Rights, and the Corporate Link
Peace and Environment News,
Oct 1995
Arms Sales Support Turkey's War Against the Kurds
Peace and Environment News,
May 1995
Letters Cite Canadian Role in Oppression in Burma
Peace and Environment News,
May 1994
Hunting Show or Weapons Bazaar? City Bylaw to Decide
Peace and Environment News,
February 1994
COAT to Campaign Against War Toys
Peace and Environment News,
November 1993
COAT Flags Fall Military Shows
Peace and Environment News,
November 1993
ARMX Leaves; DisARMX Broadens Focus
Peace and Environment News,
September 1993
International Links Against the Arms Trade
Peace and Environment News,
September 1993
PEACEX '93 to Counter the Return of ARMX
Peace and Environment News,
March 1993
ARMX Camouflaged as Peacekeeping '93 (broken link)
Press for Conversion!, February 1993
Forum Shows Support for Wallis House
Peace and Environment News,
Nov 1992
Weapons Conference Protest Planned
Peace and Environment News,
Nov 1992
Conversion Centre Possible
Peace and Environment News,
Oct 1992
Wallis House: a Repeat of History?
Peace and Environment News,
Oct 1992
Wallis House Under Siege
Peace and Environment News,
Sept 1992
Submission to Arms Export Hearing
Peace Research, August 1992
Walk to Highlight Local Conversion
Peace and Environment News,
June 1992
Budget Doublespeak
Peace Magazine, May-Jun 1992, p.31
Walk to Launch Local Conversion Campaign
Peace and Environment News,
May 1992
ARMX Updated
Peace and Environment News,
May 1992
Budget Masks Military Spending Increases
Peace and Environment News,
April 1992
How to Convert!
Peace Magazine, Mar-Apr 1992, p.6
National Economic Conversion Network Formed
Peace and Environment News,
Nov 1991
Military Convention for United Nations Day
Peace and Environment News,
Oct 1991
Transforming Canada's Military-Industrial Complex
Peace and Environment News,
Sept 1991
Doublespeak: Debunking Myths of "Canadian Defence" and the Arms Trade
Press for Conversion!, Winter 1989/1990 (Issue # 1)
Merchants of Death
Peace Magazine, Dec 1989-Jan 1990, p.8
Protest the "Merchants of Death" Conference on United Nations Day!
Peace and Environment News, Oct 1990
Eclectic Bands to Perform at Anti-ARMX
Peace and Environment News,
Oct 1990
Op. eds.:

Who says we're not at war?
Globe and Mail, March 31, 2003

Canada's Peacekeeping Myth:
many places around the world,
government and companies profit from war
Ottawa Citizen, August 8, 2000

Air show celebrates
weapons of war
Ottawa Citizen, June 4, 1998

Day at the War Show:
Flaunting weapons of
mass destruction
as family entertainment
is distasteful
Ottawa Citizen May 8, 1997

Foreign Policy:
Canada's weapons sales to Turkey
only tip of iceberg
Ottawa Citizen, April 25, 1995

learn to associate violence
excitement, fun
Ottawa Citizen, December 17, 1993

What about Wallis
Defence department should help save
this heritage building
Ottawa Citizen, September 24, 1992, p.13 |