Hugh Samuel
Johnson (1882-1942)
By Richard Sanders, Editor, Press for Conversion!
As head the National Recovery Administration (NRA), Hugh Johnson was FDRs leading bureaucrat. Jerry MacGuire told General Butler that J.P. Morgans interests wanted Johnson installed as a Secretary of General Affairs to run the country. MacGuire also said FDR would fire Johnson within a month, because he talked too damn much. Butler asked How do you know all this? MacGuire said Oh, we are in with him all the time. We know what is going to happen. When FDR demanded his resignation a few weeks later, Johnson became one of FDRs loudest critics.
Had Johnson really been the coup plotters inside man, as MacGuire said? Did he collaborate with MacGuires financers, while on FDRs team? Who was Johnson and how did he get so close to the president?
Johnson graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1903, and served in General John Pershings 1916 invasion of Mexico. Backed by warplanes and motorized vehicles, 4,800 U.S. troops chased revolutionary Pancho Villa. Back in Washington in 1917, Johnson was a deputy provost marshal general. In WWI, he helped draft the Selective Service Act and, by 1918, was a brigadier general. He directed the Armys Purchase and Supply Branch and knew Samuel Bush (great grandfather of George W. Bush) the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition section chief, War Industries Board (WIB). According to the U.S. Armys Center of Military History, Johnson was brilliant, young, inpatient and abrasive and soon in hot water with many of his military colleagues, including the Chief of Staff. Johnson left the job disgruntled, but not empty handed. He had now acquired a powerful mentor, Bernard Baruch, the chair of President Wilsons WIB.
A Wall Street
financier, with a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, Baruch
was responsible for mobilizing the nations industries for
war. From then on, Johnson was Baruchs friend, representative,
associate, protégé or crony, depending on ones
sources. After WWI, Baruch was a U.S. delegate to the Paris Peace
Conference, and sat on the Supreme Economic Council. He later
engineered Johnsons placement on FDRs team.
In 1919, Johnson was a partner in the Moline Plow Co., which Universal Tractor bought in 1915. After WWI, when car makers like Ford and GM, began making tractors, John Willys purchased Moline Plow. In the 1920s, he sold it to partners George Peek and Hugh Johnson. In 1921, Baruch helped them launch the equality for agriculture movement to get government farm subsidies and help their firms bottom line.
In 1932, FDR vied for the Democratic Partys nomination for President. His clique of advisors, the Brain Trust were professors who argued that corporate wealth was too concentrated. They decried the plutocratic control of autocratic, economic elites that threatened public welfare. Adolf Berle, in Modern Corporation and Private Property, prophesized that corporations might become the dominant form of social organization.
Baruch and other corporate kingpins soon drew FDR away from his Brain Trust. Law professor, John Walsh, says that when businessmen
"approached Roosevelt, they had the added advantage that with their policy ideas came significant campaign contributions . The [Wall Street] speculators, Bernard Baruch and Joseph Kennedy [a Nazi sympathizer and patriarch of the American political dynasty], were the most generous and the most demanding . As General Hugh Johnson, Baruchs associate, put it [in The Blue Eagle from Egg to Earth, 1935], any time there was a financial crisis in [FDRs] campaign, Baruch either gave the necessary money, or went out and got it."
Baruchs fundraising bought him the right to plant his man, Johnson, on FDRs policy staff. Fronting for Baruch, Johnson countered the Brain Trusts plan to use government control and planning to stop runaway corporate power. Baruch, and clone Johnson, argued for industrial self-government. Within a week of FDRs nomination, one Brain Truster, Rexford Tugwell, worried that Baruch now dictated FDRs financial policies.
Baruch was then instrumental in drafting FDRs National Industrial Recovery Act. FDR placated rightwing opponents by appointing Baruch protégé, George Peek, Johnsons former business partner, to lead the Agriculture Adjustment Administration. In 1933, FDR put Hugh Johnson in charge of the National Recovery Administration (NRA). Time said Johnson burst like a flaming meteorite on the country (Jan. 1, 1934) and made him Man of the Year for 1933. Quoting the New York Times, Time said Johnson, a soldier, lawyer and manufacturer, had been offered almost unlimited powers:
Johnsons scowl, his broad mouth and furrowed brow, his pithy epithets, the daily state of his health and temper, made acres of news pictures, miles of news copy every 24 hours. He was not the Administrator of NRA, he was NRA.
Besides Johnson, another highly-visible
NRA symbol, the Blue Eagle, was displayed by cooperating
Under NRA supervision, each sector of the economy developed a code to govern itself. Corporations, especially the biggest ones, were happy with this plan, designed by Johnson and Baruch. Industries devised their own production standards, fixed prices and set wages. And, once they agreed to abide by their sectors code, they were exempt from antitrust laws. To many, this was indistinguishable from having illegal monopolies and trusts.
Labor was supportive at first because NRA codes were to eliminate child labour, set maximum hours, minimum wages and safe working conditions. In theory, the NRA also guaranteed labour rights. But, the new system allowed big corporations to dominate each sector by rigging the codes with little or no input from unions, consumers or the NRA.
Economist Thayer Watkins says between the end of WWI and 1933, Johnson had become an admirer of Mussolinis National Corporatist system in Italy and he drew upon the Italian experience in formulating the New Deal. Although Watkins says the NRA was not fascist, some extremists called it that. In Democratic Despotism, 1936, Raoul Desvernine (chair of the National Lawyers Committee, an American Liberty League front group), compared FDRs New Deal with fascism, Nazism and Sovietism. He even quoted Johnson: We have submitted our economic systemprices, trading, agriculture, the value of savings and the buying power of salaries and wagesto administrative will. If that isnt dictatorship, what is it?
Talk about the stove calling the kettle black! It was Johnson and Baruch who had infiltrated FDRs cabinet to push fascism! Historian, George Rawick, in Working Class Self-Activity, Radical America (1969) recounts what Francis Perkins, FDRs Secretary of Labor, told him:
"At the first meeting of the Cabinet... in 1933, [FDRs] financier and adviser, Bernard Baruch, and Baruchs friend Gen. Hugh Johnson... came in with a copy of a book by [Gio-vanni] Gentile, the Italian Fascist theoretician [Mussolinis Education Minister], for each member of Cabinet, we all read it with great care.
Like the Italian fascists, Johnson was no friend of unions. San Franciscos 1934 general strike exemplifies this. George Seldes sets the scene:
In the first three days, the city was in a holiday mood and there was no real suffering from lack of food deliveries. The strikers did not stop the rounds of milkmen. The press [and] paid radio orators, preached fear and hatred. News was distorted, invented, colored with propaganda; radio speeches were pure demagoguery. The villains were always the Reds and foreign agitators. The newspaper-reading citi-zenry and radio masses were quick to respond to hysterical suggestions, when as a climax Gen. Hugh Johnson, arriving as mediator, delivered a senseless blast against labor which became the newspaper signal for hysteria: When the means of food supplymilk for childrennecessities of life to the whole people are threatened, that is bloody insurrection."
FDR fired Johnson, ostensibly for his erratic personality, not their political differences. Johnson is described by T.H. Watkins in The Bird Did its Part (Smithsonian, May 1999) as:
burly, blunt, often tactless and profane, with a face that might be described as 40 miles of bad road, he chain-smoked Old Golds, drank too much and too often, and sometimes vanished into an alcoholic void. He had a close relationship with his assistant, Frances Robbie Robinson, that many assumed was more than just professional.
On May 27, 1935, the Supreme Court ruled the Johnson/Baruch
code system unconstitutional because it gave legislative power
to the executive.
Huey Long later described Johnson as one of those satellites
loaned by Wall Street to run the Government, and who, at the end
of his control over and dismissal from the NRA, pronounced it
as dead as a dodo The NRAs blue eagle
was indeed extinct, but Johnson wasnt. He got a column in
the Scripps-Howard newspapers and hurled abuse at FDR.
Johnson also blasted Huey Long and Father Coughlin. The fascist radio priest came back swinging with veiled anti-Semitic punches at Johnson like: Where were you in 1933 and 1934 when our beloved leader [FDR], consecrated to drive the money changers out of the temple, was hampered and impeded by your master, Bernard Manasses Baruch, the acting president of the U.S., the uncrowned prince of Wall Street? Baruch, said Coughlin, was Johnsons task-master, his prince of high finance. Coughlin also swiped at Wall Street efforts to return American to the gold standard and linked Baruch and his group of speculators and international bankers to the Rothschilds in Europe, the Lazzeres in France, the Warburgs, the Kuhn-Loebs, the Morgans and the rest of that wrecking crew of internationalists whose god is gold. Coughlin pushed the Silver Standard because he was (secretly) one of Americas top silver owners. He also knew firing potshots at bankers, especially Jewish ones, played well.
In 1940, Johnson was on the national board of the America First Committee (AFC) with Gen. Robert Wood, head of Sears Roebuck. It was the leading lobby against U.S. entry into WWII. Started by Yales Douglas Stuart Jr., its key backers included Gerald Ford (later U.S. president), and well-known fascists Charles Lindbergh (aviation hero, AFC spokesman and Nazi-medal recipient), Coughlin (Father of hate radio) and Gerald Smith (a fascist priest who called Roosevelt, Rosenfeld), Avery Brundage (Olympic athlete, member of the International Olympic Committee in 1936, and the U.S. Nazi Party), Henry Ford (another Nazi-medal recipient), Hanford MacNider (American Legion commander), Senator Burton Wheeler, John F. Dulles (Nazi lawyer and later Secretary of State). In 1941, Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, said: The America First Committee is truly American and truly patriotic!
Johnson infiltrated FDRs inner circle thanks to campaign donations from his mentor, Baruch (who advised every president until Eisenhower). Johnson then used the NRA for Wall Streets agenda. When they realized Johnson would soon be fired, they stepped up other plans to retake control over FDRs administration.
Some Sources:
Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized
James E. Hewes, Jr., Special Studies: From Root To McNamara
Army Organization And Administration, Center Of Military History,
United States Army, 1975.
John H. Walsh, A Simple Code of Ethics: A History of the Moral
Purpose Inspiring Federal Regulation of the Securities Industry,"
Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 29, 2001.
Moline Plow Company
Murray Rothbard, America's great Depression, 1972.
John H. Walsh, A Simple Code of Ethics: A History of the Moral
Purpose Inspiring Federal Regulation of the Securities Industry,"
Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 29, 2001.
1933 Hugh S Johnson
National Recovery Administration
George Seldes, Freedom of the Press
George Rawick, "Working Class Self-Activity," Radical
America, 1969.
T.H. Watkins, The Bird Did its Part
Huey Long, Congressional Record, March 12, 1935
Hugh Johnson
America First
DejaVu: The Struggle Between Two Americas
A Reply to General Hugh Johnson, March 11, 1935
Source: Press for Conversion! magazine, Issue # 53, "Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism," March 2004. Published by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade.
Order a Copy: Order a hard copy of this 54-page issue of Press for Conversion! on the fascist plot to overthrow President F.D.Roosevelt and the corporate leaders who planned and financed this failed coup.