CIDA-funded Propaganda about "Black Friday"

By Richard Sanders, editor, Press for Conversion! and coordinator, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade.
(See also "
Finding the Necessary Pretext Incident" and "Video Evidence Reveals True Culprits."


The CIDA-funded agencies in Canada that helped spread propaganda about "Black Friday," include:

Much of this propaganda originated from Haitian groups that were also on the CIDA payroll, such as:


1. (a) "Aggravation de la situation en Haïti," December 15, 2003.

(b) Arrestation à Port-au-Prince de la militante des droits humains Kettly Julien," February 10, 2004.

(c) Nancy Roc, "Haïti au carrefour du non-retour," February 13, 2004.

(d) Stanley Péan, "Fenêtre sur rue," September 4, 2004.

(e) FIDH, "Quels lendemains pour une transition manquée," Nov. 2005.

2. "The Canadian Government must stop supporting a president contested by his own people," Dec. 15, 2004.

3. (a) SCFAIT hearing, March 25, 2004.

(b) "Addressing the Issue of the Departure of Former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide," March 2006.

4. (a) Brève rétrospective des événements survenus en Haïti au cours des derniers mois, July-November 2006.

(b) On April 4, 2006, EMI circulated:

Marie Frantz Joachim, "D’Aristide à Préval et au-delà...Vive l’utopie d’une Haiti nouvelle!" February 17, 2006.

(It can be read online here:

5. (a) Submission to the annual human rights consultations between the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Canadian Non-Governmental Human Rights Organizations, Feb. 1, 2004. pp.10-11.

(b) "Haiti: A Bitter Bicentennial, Report of a mission by Rights & Democracy." January 2004. pp.14,37.

6. "Movements within Haiti declared the Lavalas Government an outlaw government," Feb. 2, 2004. (Open letter from CONAP, written by Myriam Merlet of ENFOANM.)

7. Open letter from the G-184 to Colin Powell, Jan. 9, 2004.

 8. (a) "Chaos within the PNH," March 11, 2004.

(b) Cited in "Haiti Human Rights Office Attacked," September 18, 2004.

(b) "A Shadow Over the Rule Of Law," July 2007.

9. "Toutes et tous contre l’obscurantisme et le despotisme," December 9, 2003.

The above article is from Press for Conversion! magazine, Issue #63 (November 2008)
Lies without Borders:
How CIDA-funded 'NGOs' waged a propaganda war to justify Haiti’s 2004 coup"

Previous issues of this Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade publication include:
#62 "Putting the Aid in Aiding and Abetting:
CIDA's Agents of Regime Change in Haiti's 2004 Coup"

#61 "CIDA's Key Role in Haiti's 2004 Coup d’état:
Funding Regime Change, Dictatorship and Human Rights Atrocities, one Haitian 'NGO' at a Time"

#60 "A Very Canadian Coup d’état in Haiti:
The Top 10 Ways that Canada’s Government helped the 2004 Coup and its Reign of Terror"

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