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DRDC spends 300 million each year at its six, world-class labs and research facilities across Canada. It has 1500 government-paid staff, including scientists, engineers and technicians, working busily away on creating and improving a wide variety of military technologies. Its main, stated goals are to assist Canadian military companies, and to do military research beneficial to the warfighters of Canada and our allies.
The text box at the top of this screen is from DRDCs
annual report for 1998-99. It reveals that DRDC was then collaborating
with the US Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (the BMDO)
on three separate projects:
* QWIP devices,
* Radarsat data exploitation and
* High Frequency Radar for ballistic missile detection
DRDCs government-paid scientists were busy working away on these three "missile defense" projects, seven years before Canada made its momentous decision to not join missile defense.
One of these BMD projects, the one on QWIP devices, was also supported by a Canadian crown corporation called NRC.