Sun Microsystems

(Santa Clara, California)


Sun is one of the world's largest electronics companies (ranking #187 on the Fortune 500 list in 2007), it does substantial business with the US military. For example...


Major Defense Acquisition Programs
he Pentagon’s 2009 Budget Request Summary Justification provides a wishlist for $184 billion worth of "Major Weapons Systems." The "highest profile" of these programs, i.e., the most expensive ones are "designated as Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAP)."  Sun Microsystems is one of nine "Secure Canada 2008" exhibitors that are involved in one or more these top MDAPs. For details, see "The Role of 'Secure Canada 2008' Exhibitors in America's MDAPs."


SM's corporate website is replete with pages referring to its military products and services. Here is a list of 1,150 such webpages in Sun's website:

Here are some good examples:

United States Army
Defense and Intelligence
Integrated Warfare Systems Laboratory (U.S. Navy)
United States Air Force Collaborates with Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Sun Microsystems' military contracts
Here are some of Sun Microsystem's Military-related contracts 

Please sign online PETITION now to "Stop Ottawa's Arms Shows."

(Print version: Here is a printable version of the petition that you can use to get additional signatures.)

Email: Tell the Mayor, City Councillors and Staff what you think!

Related articles:
What do they actually mean by "Defence," "Security" and "Public Safety"?

"What is a Weapon, anyhow?"

This webpage was produced by the
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)

as part of the COAT campaign to oppose 
"Secure Canada 2008" (Sept.30-Oct.1, 2008)