"Secure Canada
2008" has been cancelled!
our struggle continues!
In 1989, Ottawa's City Council wisely decided to ban all future arms exhibitions from taking place on municipal property. For almost 20 years no such arms shows took place at any City of Ottawa facilities. Let's keep it that way! We stopped them before, let's stop them again!
This year, City Staff signed a contract with "Secure Canada 2008" (it was scheduled for Sept.30-Oct.1 at an Ottawa municipal facility called Lansdowne Park). City Staff says they have been negotiating with the organizers of "CANSEC 2009" which is scheduled for late May 2009. They want to hold it at Lansdowne Park as well.
Although we can celebrate that "Secure Canada 2008" has been cancelled, CANSEC 2009 is still looming on the horizon.
This Ottawa Citizen article explains why "Secure Canada 2008" was cancelled. It refers to "TechNet North," a major component of "Secure Canada 2008."
the struggle continues!
Please join us in ensuring that "Secure Canada" never returns, and help us to
prevent an even bigger arms bazaar -- "CANSEC" -- whose organizers are
negotiating with the City to book Lansdowne Park for May 2009. The booking of
ALL such shows goes against an
Ottawa City Council ban passed in 1989 thanks to efforts by COAT!
What you can do
Contact City
Councillors, the Mayor and City Staff
Tell them what you think! Click above to go to the COAT web page where you
can send messages to the above. Call, email, write or fax!
Sign online PETITION now to "Stop Ottawa's Arms Shows."
(Print version: Here is a printable version of the petition that you can use to get additional signatures.
MORE things you can do: Click here for more ideas on what you can do
Some History
Read more about how these
military trade shows contravene the City of Ottawa Motion of 1989.
Read about ARMX 1989 and COAT's
campaign against it.
Some Correspondence with City Staff
Letter from City Staff saying
that "Secure Canada 2008" is not an arms exhibition (July 21, 2008)
Letter to City Staff
debunking their bogus assertions from Richard Sanders, coordinator,
(July 30, 2008)
City Staff Memo on these
military trade shows (August 27, 2008)
Open Letter to Mayor
OBrien from Richard Sanders, coordinator, COAT (August 27, 2008)
Clive Doucet's formal questions to City Staff (Aug. 28, 2008) (Includes
their reply, Sept.9, 2008))
City Staff Memos (Sept 29, 2008) (includes attached Memo, Aug. 19, 2008)
What was "Secure Canada 2008"?
The military trade show that was scheduled for
the City of Ottawa's prime facility — Lansdowne Park — was
actually three distinct arms exhibitions all rolled into one. Or,
in the jargon-filled words of event organizers,
"Secure Canada 2008" was "an
exciting new horizontal event showcasing three complimentary security segments
in one continuous event."
Besides promoting the deadly wares of a wide variety of war-related industries, each of the three parts of this military trade show extravaganza had its own parallel events, such as meetings, briefing sessions, panel discussions, keynote speakers, tours and/or receptions and fundraising dinners.
Here is more information about each of the three parts that were planned for "Secure Canada 2008":
Secure Canada
and the World
"A Showcase of
Domestic and International Suppliers in Security, Public Safety and Defence"
U.S. Embassy Defense &
Security Exhibition
and the
UK Trade and Investment Pavilion.
North 2008
"National Security in a Coalition Environment"
Premier C4ISR* Exhibition and Professional Development Conference"
Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and
Unmanned Systems Canada Expo 2008
"Canada’s National Showcase for Unmanned Systems* Technologies"
premier event focusing on the national and international ground, air and
maritime unmanned systems marketplace."
Who or What was behind "Secure
Canada 2008"?
This military
trade event is sponsored by the U.S.
embassy and U.S. government's Commerce Department, the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce in Canada, large
U.S. war-related industries and the U.S. business association that
represents the interests of the U.S. Military-Industrial-Academic Complex.
And, its main organizer is a former employee of the U.S. embassy.
more details here about various key U.S. links to the so-called "Secure Canada
2008" military trade show.)
Who were the Exhibitors?
There are 160 booth spaces available for rent at "Secure Canada 2008."
On the map
showing the layout/floor plan of the Lansdowne Park facility, the "Secure
Canada" trade show/exhibition is divided
into three areas, one for each of the components of the show:
(1) Secure Canada and the World (39 display booths)
(2) Tech Net North 2008 (72 booths)
(3) Unmanned Systems Canada Expo (49 booths)
An annotated list of
known Exhibitors
Exhibitor List"
of about 60 exhibitors—that will be showcasing their largely, military wares at this year's event—reads like a who's who of the Military Industrial Complex.
View the "partial list" here.
(Web links and notes about each exhibitor have added to assist our analysis of
these companies, associations and government agencies.)
Who was Sponsoring "Secure
Of the first nine
that were listed on the "Secure Canada" website, six
are either American-based or are Canadian-subsidiaries of U.S.-based
corporations or associations. Here is complete list of "Sponsors":
the National Defense Industrial Association (representing the economic and political interests of America's military-industrial complex)
the Commercial Service of the US Government (An agency promoting US exports)
AMCHAM Canada (American Chamber of Commerce in Canada) This Canadian branch of a US corporate association promotes Canada-US trade
two major, longstanding US weapons corporations (General Atomics and General Dynamics),
one of the world's largest electronics companies, Sun Microsystems. This U.S. corporation does substantial business with the U.S. military and other armed forces
two rival Canadian military/"security" publications whose main purpose—besides uncritically presenting the government's pro-war PR/propaganda—is to profit from the military-industrial complex by selling lucrative advertisements to war/"security"-linked corporations (Frontline Security and Canadian Defence Review)
UK Trade and Investment (promoting UK exports and corporate interests)
City of Ottawa!!! (In August 2008, the logo of the City of Ottawa was deceptively added to the section listing "Sponsors" of "Secure Canada 2008." It was later removed after a complaint lodged by Councillor Clive Doucet.)
Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (Funded in part by the municipal, provincial and federal governments, this is an association that advocates on behalf of of Ottawa-based corporations and institutions.)
C3SA (Cyber Security Audit)
More details about these sponsors.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Read some COAT emails summarizing "Secure Canada 2008" and the COAT
campaign to expose and oppose it:
(1) "Heads Up!"
(2) "Update"
(3) "New Information"
(4) Please sign the online
Articles about
"Secure Canada 2008":
Here are some articles from the mainstream media (Ottawa
Citizen, Ottawa Sun) and elsewhere.
"Puffs" from
the War Horse's Mouth
Here are some quotes from the organizers of "Secure
Canada 2008" about their military trade show.
is Void in case of "civil
disobedience...[and/or] acts of God"!
The war
industries, associations and other exhibitors
that wish to flog their various products and services at this military trade show
all signed a
contract with Electric
Strategies Inc.—the company that was hired to
organize the exhibition. This contract has the following clause:
"If Show Management should be prevented from holding the Show by any cause
beyond its control or if it cannot permit the Participant to occupy their rented
space due to circumstances beyond its control including, but not limited to,
strike, fire, civil disobedience, inclement weather, lockout, acts of God, the
Show Management will refund the Participant the amount of rental paid by
him/her, less a proportionate share in relation to the other Participants space,
of the total Show expenses incurred by Show Management to that date and Show
Management shall have no further obligation or liability to the Participant."
Click here to view the whole
Email: Tell the Mayor, City Councillors and Staff what you think!
Please sign COAT's online PETITION now to "Stop Ottawa's Arms Shows."
(Print version: Here is a printable version of the petition that you can use to get additional signatures.)
Related articles:
This webpage was produced by
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
as part of the COAT
campaign to oppose
"Secure Canada 2008"
(Sept.30-Oct.1, 2008)