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Most Canadians probably think Canada has no links to BMD. Some Canadians might be able to come up with NORAD as the only link theyve ever heard of.
Almost two years ago, on August 5, 2004, Canada proposed to the US that we amend NORAD and add missile defense to our collective workload.
Of course the US agreed and so Canada began supporting BMD through financial assistance to NORAD and through the provision of military personnel. And its a form of diplomatic support for BMD, because Canada now admits this link and defends it publicly.
Missile defense is consistently portrayed as a defensive system for protecting the U.S. and/or North America.
This popular image of BMD as technology to save us from attack, is part of the con game to trick us into paying for what is, in reality, the most expensive warfighting, weapons program in world history.
Peace activists know BMD cant work to defend such a huge territory, and of course, warfighters know this too. Its far too easy to trick BMD weapons with cheap decoys.
Get more information from the Coalition to Oppose the Arms
Trade (COAT) magazine (Press for Conversion!):
Requested 'Missile Defense' Role in NORAD"