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Linguistic Shield

War planners know that the biggest obstacle to waging aggressive wars is not the enemy on the battlefield, it’s an informed public back home that refuses to fork over all the money and cannon fodder that’s needed.

So, the euphemism “missile defense" is used to sell the public on the idea that it’ll defend them from attacks by rogue states and terrorists.

BMD is a linguistic shield for deflecting potential criticism away from the most expensive, weapons program ever undertaken.

In the near future, the sea-, land-, air- and space-based weapons hiding behind the protective cover of this euphemism will be used to fight real wars.

These so-called “defensive” weapons will protect troops, warships and “offensive” weapons, like missiles, that the US and its allies will wield, when deployed--far from home--in future chapters of the perpetual war against terror.

This, then, is the third function of BMD. It’s called “Theater Ballistic Missile Defense,” or just TMD, and it’s at the cutting edge of BMD, it's most doable and the most important part it. This is what BMD is really all about. Forget all that stuff about protecting civilians. Those are just bogus decoys to throw us off track.

So, “missile defense,” is about defending missiles, so we can use them to win future wars.