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Industry Canada

And then there’s Industry Canada. Over the last three decades, it gave away more than $5 billion to Canadian arms companies, including those designing, building and testing BMD systems. One of its programs is called Technology Partnerships Canada.

The bottom half of this screen is from a power point presentation made by Industry Canada’s “senior investment officer” for so-called “Defence” Industries. He presented this at a war industry conference and trade show in Alberta, in October 2004.

He listed five “strategic business opportunities” that the assembled war industry delegates could take advantage of. Topping the list was BMD. They were even given the name and email address of Industry Canada’s very own “BMD officer.”

Former Industry Minister David Emerson (you may have heard of him) spoke favourably about the industrial benefits of "missile defense.” He should know. He was a former director of MDA, the wholly-owned Vancouver subsidiary of a major US "missile defense" contractor. More still on that later...