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Now here’s a cute one, meet COM DEV of Cambridge Ontario.
No its products don’t really have anything to do with happy, smiling, ethnically-diverse children, or children of any kind.

These photos are from COM DEV’s 2004 annual report, which proudly lists “missile defense” as one use of its products. No, the flying baby is not a target used in “missile defense” weapons testing. It is, rather, used in testing the credulity of COM DEV investors.

COM DEV is a major producer of parts for the Advanced Extremely High Frequency Military Satellite Communications program to which the Liberal government allocated at least $554 million. It is essential for fighting nuclear war and for using “missile defense” weapons systems.

COM DEV was the only Canadian company thanked in U.S. Space Command’s Vision for 2020, a document that infamously outlines US ambitions to put weapons in space for use in fighting future resource wars on earth.

Get more information from the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) magazine (Press for Conversion!) about:
COM DEV's role in the BMD weapons program.