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South of the border, almost a century ago, the vice president of the American anti-Imperialist League, the towering heroic figure of Mark Twain, spoke of the “silent colossal National Lie” that we need to throw (metaphorical) bricks and sermons at.
To update that metaphor a bit, this slide show is an attempt to throw a few shoes at the myth that Canada is the global force for peace.
Briefly, what is a myth? It is cultural lenses though which we perceive reality.  As such, myths are themselves difficult to perceive.
They’re hard to think about because we use them to think.
They’re hard to see because we use them to see.
They are veils for perception, and for deception. They enable us to see, but they colour everything that we see.
In our case they are the proverbial rose-coloured glasses.

Slideshow: "CANSEC 2009: Fuelling wars around the world"

Learn more about the campaign against CANSEC

Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade