Albert Grant Christmas

Christmas was the Attorney to Robert S. Clark, who gave thousands to Gerald MacGuire. Christmas was also one of those who received MacGuire's reports from Europe when he was there studying the usefulness of the Croix de feu, and other reactionary veterans organizations, by fascist governments and movements in Gemany, Italy, France and elsewhere.

Here are some quotations about Albert Christmas from Jules Archer's book, The Plot to Seize the White House, 1973:

[MacGuire] could not explain what he had done with at least thirty thousand in letters of credit, funds advanced to him by either Clark or Clark's attorney, Albert Grant Christmas, and which MacGuire had had with him at the [American] Legion convention in Chicago the following October, at which he had been both a delegate and a member of the "distinguished guest committee."

Although Clark, his attorney A. G. Christmas, Walter E. Frew, and others were behind the Committee for a Sound Dollar and Sound Currency, their names had been carefully omitted from its records.
p. 174

Before entering the committee room accompanied by his counsel, [MacGuire] asked permission to read to the committee a cablegram he had received from Albert Grant Christmas, Clark's lawyer, in Paris:

"Read this wire when you testify. Reports of the Butler testimony in Paris outrageous. If reports are correct, my opinion is that a most serious libel has been committed. I am returning at once to testify as to our anti-inflation activities."

Evidence was found that the day before MacGuire had allegedly seen Butler in Newark, he had drawn six thousand dollars in thousand-dollar bills from a "special account" in the Manufacturers Trust Company and had also been given ten thousand dollars in thousand-dollar bills by Christmas in Clark's presence. The committee was convinced that MacGuire had been the "cashier" for the planned veterans organization.
p. 182

McCormack announced that Albert Christmas had returned from Europe and would testify in two or threedays in an executive session. Clark's attorney was not questioned, however, until the final day of the committee's life, January 3, 1935, after which no further investigatory action could be taken by the committee and then the questions were limited only to money given MacGuire by the lawyer and Clark," [John] Spivak noted. "Presumably because of the sacredness of lawyer-client confidences, no questions were asked about conversations or correspondence between an alleged principal in the plot and his attorney."

There was an interesting exchange, nevertheless, in the matter of $65,000 MacGuire testified that he had received for traveling and entertainment expenses:

MCCORMACK: So the way you want to leave it is there is $65,000 or $66,000 that Mr. MacGuire received from either you, or Mr. Clark, which he spent in the period between June and December of 1933 for traveling and entertainment expenses?
CHRISTMAS: Yes, sir.
MCCORMACK: Did he return to you some time in August [1934] approximately $30,000 in cash?
MCCORMACK: Do you know he testified he did?
CHRISTMAS: The committee gave me some indication of such testimony at a previous session.
MCCORMACK: Assuming he has testified to that, that is not so?
CHRISTMAS: I would say he is in error. He is mistaken.

So the committee found still another reason to doubt the veracity of MacGuire, who had denied, under oath, all the allegations of the Fascist plot in which he was the go-between

Source: Jules Archer, The Plot to Seize the White House, 1973.


Here is a quotation from L. Wolfe's article:

"The day before, on Jan. 3, the committee heard its last witness -- Albert Christmas -- on the final day of the committee's life. There were no questions asked of the lawyer about any discussions he might have had with his client Clark about the plot or about General Butler. Christmas did his best to try to represent MacGuire as a 'loose cannon,' a deliberate attempt to shield those who had dispatched the lowly bond salesman to do their bidding."

Source: "Franklin Delano Roosevelt vs. the Banks: Morgan's Fascist Plot, and How It Was Defeated," The American Almanac, July 25, 1994.