Roy & Sylvia

Potluck Dinner
50th Wedding

In June 1996, the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) held a "Potluck Dinner Party" to celebrate Roy and Sylvia's 50th wedding anniversary.  This event, designed to "honour them and their relentless work for peace," was attended by about 80 people.

Letter of Invitation to the Event:  This four-page letter, which gives an excellent summary of Roy and Sylvia's lives, highlights their deep and longstanding commitment to the peace movement.  Click here to read this letter from COAT Steering Committee members Christine Keess and Ria Heynen. (Sadly, Christine, who interviewed Roy and Sylvia when researching their lives for this letter, died in 2015.)

Program for the Event:  The event's six-page program provides details on speakers, songs, and more.

Some Photos from the Event

Appended below is the poster for COAT's event is an announcement about it in COAT's magazine (May 1996).