Roy Sanders

Please add your own
memories of Roy
(or Sylvia). 

We'd love to hear from you!

To add a memory, just s
end me an email.  Thanks!  Richard Sanders <>


First Unitarian
of Ottawa

Fellowship of Ottawa

Ian & Mig Powell

Condolence Book

Many condolences
from far & wide

Bud Skinner

Additional Memories

Richard Sanders
"The tools my
Dad used"

"War Years:
Sharing Memories
of Memories"

"Travels with
Roy and Sylvia Sanders"


Memories of Roy

Clarence Dodd

Graham and
Joy Fielder

Nancy Fisher

Irene Gale

Kathleen Hefler

Ria and
Jan Heynen

David Hope

Hilary Horan and
Barbara Lunney

Vern Johnson

June Johnson

Allie Kirby

Pam Mayhew

Mark and
Elinor Mueller

Mig and
Ian Powell

Darrell Rankin


Click images below to view the videos and
click the person's name to read their notes

Celebration of Roy's Life

Heather Wiffen
Alan Robertson
John Hefler
Gary Schofield
Susan Fisher
Nick Aplin
Rev. Fred Cappuccino
Richard Sanders
Koozma Tarasoff
Ben Wiffen
Nicholas Piper