Minister Freeland's Grandfather,
Fake News,
By Richard Sanders, editor, Press for Conversion! magazine of the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade, March 22, 2017 "It takes a village to raise a Nazi" (old African proverb, slightly modified) |
Introduction 2 - The Liberal Government's Warm Embrace of Ukraine's Nazi Collaborators 3 - Historical Amnesia and the Blinding Effects of Propaganda 4 - The Nazis as Victims? Sure, just Blame the Russians! 5 - Canada needs Truth and Reconciliation, not Denials and Obfuscation 6 - Historical Denial among Canada's ultranationalist Ukrainians 7 - Michael Chomiak, The Ukrainian Central Committee and its Nazi Newspapers 8 - Aryanisation and the "Mighty Wurlitzer" 9 - The Ukrainian Canadian Congress and its Fascist Roots 10 - Getting them Early: Building the ultraNationalist Cause among Children and Youth 11 - The Freeland-Chomiak Parallels in Advocacy Journalism 12 - Was Freeland an "Accidental Journalist," or Groomed for the Job? 13 - In 1989, Freeland was Declared an "Enemy of the Soviet State" 14 - A Chomiak-Freeland Fixation on Jewish Oligarchs running the Kremlin 15 - Freeland's Kremlin-Oligarch Theory goes Global with Jewish Plutarchetype 16 - Institutionalised Confidence Scams: An Open Conspiracy of Oligarchs, Politicians and Journalists 17 - Escaping the War Racket starts with Seeing the Elephant 18 - Just Following Orders? Which Orders? 19 - Is there a Bear in the Room? Kill it! 20 - The Collective Care and Feeding of Russophobia 21 - The Need for Truth and Reconciliation
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Canada: This issue (#68) deals with the mass internment of Ukrainian Canadians, this community's left-right split and the mainstream racist, xenophobic anti-communism of progressive "Social Gospellers" (like the CCF's J.S. Woodsworth) who were so captivated by their false beliefs that they carried out the genocide of First Nations and turned a blind eye to government repression during the 20th-century "Red Scare." The main thesis is captured here: |
Part 18 One popularised narrative about the Nuremberg Trials is that it they taught us that "just following orders" is no excuse for having collaborated with war criminals. But what does it mean to follow orders? On a simple level, orders are just oral or written commands issued by authorities. But orders can also refer to religious, economic or political structures which hold people firmly in place, and direct their beliefs and actions in certain predetermined directions. These are the social orders that command and control the way a people will act and interact within the boundaries established by their culture. These orders also separate people into social groups based on their class, race, ethnicity, nationality or other cultural constructs. Social orders also come with ideological frameworks that impose belief systems which govern people's understandings of social reality and their place within the established order.
Ideally, from the propagandists' point of view, authorities do not even need to issue outright commands. If people have been properly enculturated into the propagandists' worldview, they will not have to be told what to do. They will respond intuitively, as if by second nature. That way if a newspaper headline tells villagers that "The barbarians are at the gate!" they will immediately know what is required of them. Physical coercion is useful to state authorities, but only a last resort. Much preferred is a docile, thoroughly propagandised community who will carry out the expectations of their social order without actually having to receive any explicit orders.
The Nazi propaganda Wurlitzer over which
Chrystia Freeland's grandfather exercised leadership did not literally order
Ukrainians to go out and murder people. Or did it? The flagship
Nazi-Ukrainian newspaper under his management, Krakivs'ki visti, did
actually join German authorities and the Ukrainian churches in their
coercive 1943 recruitment campaign which persuaded tens of thousands of
young Ukrainian men to sign up for Germany's infamous Waffen SS Galician
division. The appeal by Chomiak's boss, Ukrainian Central Committee
The issuance of this literal command aside, the real indictment of Chomiak is that day after day, year after year, page after page, his collaborationist newspapers dutifully churned out the Nazi's spin on the war. His papers turned out fake news about a monstrous Judaeo-Bolshevik "beast" based in the Kremlin that the Nazis and their Ukrainian allies so loved to hate. The Committee's newspapers were among the main devices used to provoke Ukrainian villagers' mortal fears with terrifying stories of a fiendishly authoritarian "monster" coming at them from Moscow.
Freeland, like her Ukrainian grandfather,
built much of her influential career as an advocacy journalist in the
mainstream media, by spinning what many see as antiRussian stories. Her
contributions to the mighty corporate Wurlitzer have included churning out
scores of highly-prized big business news pieces for newspapers, providing
gatekeeping services as an editor for various huge media corporations, writing
books fixating public attention on the apparent preponderance of Russian and
American oligarchs
Whether we see Freeland as a propagandist, or as an objective purveyor of reality, is largely contingent on our political perspective. As usual, it's all in "the eye of the beholder." Similarly, how we perceive the problem of Freeland's refusal to acknowledge the Nazi in the room, will depend on the lenses with which we have been provided through a lifetime of cultural programming. But does this mean that there is no objective truth, and that everything is simply a matter of mere opinion? Are there not objective ways to determine the truth? Our legal system thinks there are. We have courts that regularly decide the "truth" on many matters. An example of this occurred at Nuremberg when judges there found various people guilty of international crimes. Among those sentenced to death was Julius Streicher, the editor of a German newspaper called Der Stürmer. The judges' ruling against Streicher included these statements:
Streicher's antiSemitic propaganda was certainly more extreme than Chomiak's newspapers. However, this isn't saying much because Der Stürmer was the worst of the worst. Krakivs'ki visti and Kholmska zemlia were both still guilty of promulgating Nazi hate speech against Jews. As John Paul Himka, Freeland's uncle, has stated about the daily newspaper, Krakivs'ki vist, that listed his father-in-law Michael Chomiak as editor in chief: "It is clear ... that the anti-Semitic propaganda of the paper contributed to create an atmosphere conducive to the mass murder of the Jews that was already underway. It should not be forgotten in what context Krakivs'ki visti was lamenting its victims and inflaming passions against Jews."[v]
In the ongoing debate over the significance or insignificance of truth and reconciliation, Canadians will have to decide which social order they will follow. If told that revelations about the Freeland-Chomiak connection are evidence that the Russians are at the gates of our "Peaceable Kingdom" and are trying to undermine "Canadian values" like democracy, will they march obediently in step with such "fake news" narratives?
reading this article)
* Peter Kent's
speech at the 25th anniversary of Ukrainian Independence (August 29, 2016)
was covered by the website of League of Ukrainian Canadians (LUC).
LUC is the official organisation representing the Bandera faction of the
Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists, i.e., the OUN(B). Its armed
division was the UPA. The Baturyn marching band of the LUC's youth
affiliate, the Ukrainian Youth
Association, played the Canadian and Ukrainian anthems at this event.
Click below for their narrative of this event, Bandera and the OUN-UPA.
These organisation revere Stepan Bandera as a national hero of Ukraine.
Do Kent and others even realise the company they are keeping?
Volodomyr Kubijovych, "Appeal
to Ukrainian Citizens and Youth,"
Krakivski visti, on May 16, 1943. Cited by
Tadeusz Piotrowski,
Poland's Holocaust:
Ethnic Strife, Collaboration with Occupying Forces and Genocide in the
Second Republic, 1918-1947,
1998, p.226, and footnote 359 on p.372.
Robert Fife, "Freeland warns Canadians to beware of Russian
disinformation," Globe and Mail, March 6, 2017.
[iii] But "the truth," said journalist, playwright and novelist, Oscar Wilde, "is rarely pure and never simple.” To illustrate this simple meta-truth, one need only examine Wilde's virulent antiSemitism.
Anti-Semitism of Oscar Wilde
Judgement : Streicher
[v] Paul Himka, "Ethnicity and the Reporting of Mass Murder: Krakivs'ki visti, the NKVD Murders of 1941, and the Vinnytsia Exhumation," Shatterzone of Empires: Coexistence and Violence in the German, Habsburg, Russian, and Ottoman Borderlands, (Omer Bartov and Eric D. Weitz, editors), 2013.