Minister Freeland's Grandfather,
Fake News,
By Richard Sanders, editor, Press for Conversion! magazine of the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade, March 22, 2017 "It takes a village to raise a Nazi" (old African proverb, slightly modified) |
1- Introduction 2 - The Liberal Government's Warm Embrace of Ukraine's Nazi Collaborators 3 - Historical Amnesia and the Blinding Effects of Propaganda 4 - The Nazis as Victims? Sure, just Blame the Russians! 5 - Canada needs Truth and Reconciliation, not Denials and Obfuscation 6 - Historical Denial among Canada's ultranationalist Ukrainians 7 - Michael Chomiak, The Ukrainian Central Committee and its Nazi Newspapers 8 - Aryanisation and the "Mighty Wurlitzer" 9 - The Ukrainian Canadian Congress and its Fascist Roots 10 - Getting them Early: Building the ultraNationalist Cause among Children and Youth 11 - The Freeland-Chomiak Parallels in Advocacy Journalism 12 - Was Freeland an "Accidental Journalist," or Groomed for the Job? 13 - In 1989, Freeland was Declared an "Enemy of the Soviet State" 14 - A Chomiak-Freeland Fixation on Jewish Oligarchs running the Kremlin 15 - Freeland's Kremlin-Oligarch Theory goes Global with Jewish Plutarchetype 16 - Institutionalised Confidence Scams: An Open Conspiracy of Oligarchs, Politicians and Journalists 17 - Escaping the War Racket starts with Seeing the Elephant 18 - Just Following Orders? Which Orders? 19 - Is there a Bear in the Room? Kill it! 20 - The Collective Care and Feeding of Russophobia 21 - The Need for Truth and Reconciliation
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Canada: This issue (#68) deals with the mass internment of Ukrainian Canadians, this community's left-right split and the mainstream racist, xenophobic anti-communism of progressive "Social Gospellers" (like the CCF's J.S. Woodsworth) who were so captivated by their false beliefs that they carried out the genocide of First Nations and turned a blind eye to government repression during the 20th-century "Red Scare." The main thesis of my theory: |
Part 2 Chrystia Freeland's grandfather is something of a diversion. The broader truth that must come out of the Canadian closet is that in the years immediately following WWII, tens of thousands of "displaced persons" of Ukrainian heritage were brought into this country by Canada's notoriously antiSemitic Liberal government. Many thousands of these immigrants harboured such extremely nationalistic ideologies towards Ukraine that they had sympathised and collaborated with the Nazi regime during the war. Many were pleased to do this because they had been led to believe ‑ by their mass media, the church and other powerful civic institutions ‑ that the Third Reich was a benevolent, liberating force which was assisting them in the noble cause of promoting Ukrainian culture. They also felt a strong affinity to the Nazis because they shared a common worldview which despised two mortal enemies: Jews and communists. This worldview ‑ regarding a Judeo-Bolshevik enemy ‑ was also shared by many mainstream Canadians at that time, including many among this country's top political and religious leaders.
The Liberal government's efforts to bring thousands of Ukrainian nationalist war veterans into the Canadian fold was passionately opposed by the AUUC and the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC).[ii] The AUUC and the CJC both represented cultural communities that had been severely repressed by successive Anglo-Protestant Canadian governments. While the Jewish community suffered bigotry and segregation based merely on religious/ethnic discrimination, the AUUC was punished for its politics. Red Scares had twice made the AUUC illegal and all of its newspapers and other publications were banned. Tons of books from AUUC libraries were literally burned, its leaders arrested, and its printing presses and Labour Temples (meeting halls) were seized and in some cases even turned over to ultranationalists associated with Ukrainian Canadian Congress.[iii] Canada's decidedly antiSemitic and anticommunist state has gone through phases of extreme social paranoia which exhibited zero tolerance for either Judaism or communism. These -isms were seen as totally contradictory to Canada's "Christian values."
But within the sheltered world of the newly-arrived, ultranationalist Ukrainian-Canadian village, the Government of Canada has always been seen as a benevolent force that has guarded and encouraged their particular political, religious and ethnic rights. After leaving the generous and nurturing protection of the Nazi regime, which provided him with shelter and employment during the war, Michael Chomiak again felt welcomed after the war when Canada's beneficent Liberal government welcomed him to his new land. And, let's not forget another parallel. In both cases, the governments which welcomed Chomiak and his community, had taken political possession of the territory through occupation and colonisation, using processes that included xenophobic and racist propaganda, ethnic cleansing and, yes, genocide.
Here is how Chrystia Freeland has described
her Ukrainian grandfather's unquestioningly vociferous devotion to his newly
adopted country: While this
still-popular view of Canadian global supremacy is not shared by Indigenous
populations and others, many Ukrainian Canadians ‑ whose parents and
grandparents emigrated here soon after WWII ‑ feel an understandable debt of
gratitude towards the Canadian state. The Liberal government and succeeding
Conservative ones did, after all, institute a multicultural model which
actively encouraged Ukrainians to proudly promote their culture with all of
its strongly focused belief systems. Chrystia Freeland is not alone in
retaining a corresponding sense of great pride and respect for her Ukrainian
forebears who after coming to Canada, passed along to their offspring an
undying support for the cause of patriotic Ukrainian national building. |
Sources and Notes
[i] For a summary of the UCC's origins and the historic importance of its fascist- and Nazi-linked veterans member organisations, see these three articles:
Richard Sanders,
"Left-Right Camps: A Century of Ukrainian Canadian Internment" and
"Glorifying Ukrainian-Canadian Veterans of OUN/UPA Terrorism," Press
for Conversion!, Captive
Canada, Spring
2016, pp.44-49, 52-53.
Richard Sanders,
"Waffen SS Galician Division Revered by Canada’s Ukrainian Right,"
Press for Conversion!, Captive
Spring 2016,
Earlean M. McCarrick, "Ethnic Politics Canadian Style: The Clash over
Nazi War Criminals,"
Wiesenthal Center Annual Volume 7
Richard Sanders, "Left-Right Camps: A Century of Ukrainian Canadian
Internment" and "Glorifying Ukrainian-Canadian Veterans of OUN/UPA
Terrorism," Press for Conversion!, Captive
Spring 2016.
Richard Sanders, "From Csarist Pogroms to Canada’s WWII
Internment Camps for Jews and Communists," Press for Conversion!
Captive Canada,
Spring 2016, p.39.
[vi] Diaries of W.L.Mackenzie King, September 27-28, 1928 (on Mussolini) and June 23-29, 1937 (on Hitler, Göring and von Neurath)