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Defunding the Myths and Cults of
Cold War Canada:
Ongoing state support for East European
émigré groups with deep fascist roots

(Collaborators, Crusades and Coverups in an era of “truth and reconciliation”)

Issue #70, Press for Conversion! (Spring 2021)
of the
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
Read a summary of this issue            See articles on the state funding of fascist-linked groups

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Defunding Cold War Canada

Table of Contents

Canada’s anti-Red, Cold War propaganda in context
L.B.Pearson: Godfather of Cda’s Cold War on the new "Red" enemy
Pearson College and NATO’s United World Colleges
The CBC’s “Voice of Canada” --  Weapon of Cold War propaganda
‘Voice of America’ & the CIA’s ‘Radio Free Europe’ & “Radio Liberty’
L.B.Pearson: Groomed by King, St. Laurent & the ‘Big antiRed Machine'
Mackenzie King gave shocking praise for Hitler until the eve of war in 1939
Liberal immigration: "None is too many" and Too many is not enough
Why did King have such adoring admiration for Nazi Germany's dictator?
King loved Hitler’s hate speech against “Jewish international Bolshevism”

“Captive Nations” and their "Black-Ribbon-Day" crusade
The ignored historical context of “Black Ribbon Day” (Aug. 23, 1939)
“Captive Nations”: Nazi trope to CIA meme to Cold-War trump card
The “Captive Nations” conceit in Nazi propaganda
John Diefenbaker: Strong voice at the UN for “Captive Nations” bloc
The BRD campaign: Canada’s top Cold War propaganda export
The late Cold War context of the BRD crusade
Ongoing propaganda of the former "Captive Nations":
    (1) Canada’s anti-communism monument and (2) the Magnitsky laws

Far-right roots:
East European émigré groups in Canada & abroad

Estonian Central Council in Canada
   Estonia glorifies Nazi veterans as ‘freedom fighters’
Estonian World Council
Lithuanian Canadian Community and the Lithuanian World Community
   Lithuanian nationalists now have 'freedom' to glorify Nazi heritage
Latvian National Federation in Canada
World Federation of Free Latvians
Slovak World Congress and the Canadian Slovak League
Council of Free Czechoslovakia & Czechoslovak Nat'l Assoc. of Cda.

Ukrainian linchpin of Cda’s postwar, far-right diaspora
Krakow and Ottawa, 1940: "A Tale of Two Cities," and two UCCs:
(1) Germany’s Ukrainian Central Cttee. and (2) Canada's Ukrainian Canadian Cttee.

The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations & World AntiCommunist League
Yaroslav Stetsko: Leader of proNazi Ukraine, 1941

State-funded centres of Canada’s Bandera cult and its Bandera youth
Roman Shukhevych: Assassin, terrorist, war criminal and cult hero

Getting them young: Instilling Ukrainian patriotism in children and youth
Plast recruited for Nazi’s Waffen SS Galicia; now recruits for Ukraine
From Chomiak to Freeland: “keep that flame alive”
Chrystia Freeland: “Accidental journalist” or groomed for the job?
Myron Kuropas: Downplaying Holocaust; Exaggerating Holodomor
Turning from same page: Freeland wrote for pro-fascist publications
Yuri Shymko: From Bandera youth leader, MPP & MP, to elder statesman
Lisa Shymko: In the footsteps of family, community & far-right, war heroes
Rubbing political shoulders with the ABN in Toronto

The struggle continues...                                            Abridged Index

‘Captive Nations’:
Nazi trope
and CIA meme to
Cold-War trump card

By Richard

(Click here for a PDF to see this article as it appears in print)

Before and during WWII, Nazi propaganda against Jews and Communists was rife with references to "captive nations." This meme continued throughout the Cold War and is still alive and well today. The phrase "captive nations" has been a major trope used in many anti-Soviet propaganda assaults, especially those created, funded and led by the CIA and its front groups. Their vitriol about ethnic groups enslaved by the USSR was wielded with vehemence by East Europeans who dominated the diaspora. Their émigré groups were often created, led and organized by ethnonationalists who had allied with Nazi Germany during the war.

After WWII, the US assumed the Nazi’s role as the world’s leading anticommunist force. The CIA recruited top military, intelligence and propaganda assets from Nazi Germany and Eastern Europe. It also continued the Nazi’s divide-and-conquer strategy to exploit émigré dreams of "freedom" that sought to splinter the USSR into a myriad of ethnonationalist states.

The Nazi-backed "Subjugated Nations" movement

During the Cold War, the "captive-nations" trope fulfilled the same role as "subjugated nations," which was a key metaphor of Nazi allies across Eastern Europe. For example, on Nov 21-22, 1943, when Stepan Bandera’s Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) initiated a network of fascist armies to aid Germany’s war machine, these Nazi allies called themselves the Committee of Subjugated Nations (CSN).

The theme of this
WACL Bulletin
"UKRAINE: A Captive but Unconquerable Nation"

These East European fascists expressed their antiSoviet views with the same propaganda motifs as the Nazis. In 1947, the CSN rebranded itself the AntiBolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) and became the driving force of the global, captive nations movement. For the next 50 years, its magazine, ABN Correspondence, frequently used the terms "subjugated nations," "captive nations" and "enslaved nations."1 This motif was also favoured by the World Anti-Communist League (WACL).  It employed the "subjugated nations" idiom about 40 times in a single issue of its magazine in 1973.2 The trope was also used by Western governments and their mass media allies.

The CIA-backed "Captive Nations" movement

The Captive Nations movement was a CIA-funded psychological warfare effort of the Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN). This US-based group, created in 1954, was funded for decades by the CIA’s National Committee for a Free Europe (NCFE). While this was not admitted until 1971, the CIA website is now proud to state:

NCFE was actually the public face of an innovative ‘psychological warfare’ project undertaken by the CIA. That operation—which soon gave rise to Radio Free Europe—would become one of the longest running and successful covert action campaigns ever mounted by the US.3

Created in 1949 to "conceal [the] CIA’s hand" in "massive propaganda campaigns," the NCFE was a creature of its covert operations wing.4 NCFE founder, Allen Dulles, who led its first executive committee, was the longest standing CIA Director (1953-61). He ran the Bay-of-Pigs invasion of Cuba (1961) and—with his brother, US Secretary of State John F.Dulles—led US coups in Iran (1953) and Guatemala (1954).  The NCFE was "a thinly veiled ‘private-sector’ cover," said journalist Christopher Simpson, for passing "clandestine US funds" to ACEN exile groups.5 Simpson also exposed Nazi collaborators among the ACEN’s Albanian, Lithuanian and Latvian delegates.6

The US government’s "Captive Nations Week" law

The ACEN’s greatest legacy was to create Captive Nations Week. It began in 1959 with a unanimously-adopted US law. Since then, every US president has issued declarations about "captive nations" during this annual propaganda offensive. While blindly ignoring US apartheid, the genocidal subjugation of First Nations, the sponsorship of dozens of coups, invasions and dictatorships held captive by the US, this law calls America the "citadel of human freedom." In stark contrast to the "democratic process" which it claims created the "harmonious national unity" of the US "from the most diverse of racial, religious, and ethnic backgrounds," the Captive Nations law refers to the "enslavement of a substantial part of the world’s population" by "imperialistic policies of Communist Russia." The USSR, it says, "led ... the subjugation of the national independence" of many captive nations.7 Among the "nations" listed by this law were Cossackia, Idel-Ural and White Ruthenia. These fictitious nations were "invented" by Nazi theorist Alfred Rosenberg.8 As an ideological architect of the Holocaust and the Nazi’s Minister for Occupied Eastern Regions, Rosenberg was executed at Nuremberg in 1946.

Leaders of the Captive Nations crusade have included SS veterans who hated Jews, communists and Russians. For example, a 1984 Captive Nations Week event in New York, heard from Nicholas Nazarenko, a "Cossackia" liberation leader who said he interrogated POWs for the SS. His talk minimized the "Jewish Holocaust," by claiming that communism killed 140 million religious people. He also critiqued what he called "a certain ethnic group that...makes its home in Israel."

Read more about how this vile ideology was embraced by:
       • Nazi Germany
       • Mackenzie King
       • Yaroslav Stetsko

This group, he said, "works with the Communists all the time. They were the Fifth Column in Germany and in all the Captive Nations." He then claimed that Jews "would spy, sabotage and do any act in the interest of Moscow.... They had to be isolated ... [so] the Fifth Column was arrested and imprisoned."9 The "Captive Nations Committee’s crowd," said Simpson, gave "excited applause in the most enthusiastic welcome for any speaker that evening."10

Famed Banderite, Lev Dobriansky,
was "Mr. Captive Nations"

The 1959 Captive Nations Week law created the National Captive Nations Cttee. (NCNC) which aided local groups with "leaflets and other means of propaganda."11 Lifelong NCNC chair, Lev Dobriansky, the Ukrainian-American who wrote the law, had been a US intelligence officer in Germany during WWII. In the Cold War he taught economics at Georgetown University (1947-88), was a loyal ally of Bandera’s OUN(B) army and helped lead the ABN’s US chapter (the American Council for World Freedom).

Lev Dobriansky

As NCNC founder/leader, Dobriansky represented it at ABN and WACL global events. For instance, in 1969 he shared the WACL rostrum with ABN president, Yaroslav Stetsko,12 in Saigon, South Vietnam, a brutal US puppet regime. Having secured Stetsko’s first US visa in 1958, Dobriansky celebrated July 4 with him. Dobriansky was on WACL’s North American Executive Committee in the ‘70s and ‘80s, and worked closely with the WACL’s global chair, Ku Cheng-kang, a leading Taiwanese fascist. To fight the USSR, Dobriansky worked with "Holocaust deniers,... white supremacists, ... anticommunist cult leaders, ... Ukrainian neo-fascists and other rabid Cold War fanatics."13

For decades, Dobriansky led the top US Banderite front, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. When addressing its mass rally in Newark, NJ, in 1952, his excessive vitriol shone through with a vengeance:

Yaroslav Stetsko (left) and Lev Dobriansky (right)
with Congressman Philip Crane (Rep. Illinois, 1969-05) and Robert Crane (advisor to President Nixon; Deputy Director Planning, US National Security Council), at a July 15, 1981, "
commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the
Re-establishment of Ukrainian Statehood in 1941."

[T]he peoples enslaved by Moscow are by far the most powerful weapon the West has against bolshevism and Russian imperialism. The ideal of the freedom of these nations is the most affective weapon for destroying the Russian-bolshevist dungeon of peoples....14

Dobriansky glorified Bandera’s Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in his preface to a 1954 book on its "Fight for Freedom."15

In 1982, he was on the international committee honouring the UPA's 40th anniversary. That committee included generals from Canada, the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, leaders of Nazi collaborationist armies, Ukrainian church leaders from Canada, the US and Europe, US-backed Afghan mujahideen "freedom fighters," Ukrainian Bandera youth leaders, Senator Barry Goldwater and ABN leader, Stetsko.16

President George W. Bush
dedicating the "Victims of Communism" monument in Washington, DC., 2007.

It is no wonder then that for 40 years (1951-90), Dobriansky’s leadership of the Captive Nations movement was so often hailed by loyal followers of Stepan Bandera. For over four decades, Dobriansky’s articles, speeches and books were continually praised in the major OUN(B) publications.17

Dobriansky’s legacy includes leading the "Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation" (VCMF) in Washington, DC. Its monument, promoted by Bill Clinton, was dedicated in 2007 by then-president George W. Bush. Bush praised Dobriansky and noted the presence of his daughter Paula18 who was then Bush’s Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs (2001-09).

Besides being a director of the VCMF, Paula Dobriansky has furthered her father’s far-right legacy through work as a US diplomat and policy maker in the administrations of five presidents. She has also served in key roles within the National Security Council, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Atlantic Council, Freedom House, Thomson Reuters, the American University in Afghanistan and the National Endowment for Democracy.

References and notes

1. See this search of ABN Correspondence

2. WACL Bulletin, Sum. 1973.

3. "The National Committee for Free Europe, 1949," May 29, 2007.

4. John Prados, Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA, 2006.

5. Christopher Simpson, Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and its Destructive Impact on our Domestic and Foreign Policy, 1988. p.126.

6. Ibid., p.268.

7. Public Law 86-90 "Captive Nations Week"

8. Edward Lozansky, "Some Notes on the Discussion of the Captive Nations Resolution at the Russian Academy of Sciences," July 15, 2008.

9. Simpson, op. cit., pp.274-75.

10. Ibid.

11. ABN Correspondence, Sept-Oct. 1960, p.2.

12. ABN Correspondence, Jan.-Feb. 1969, p.2.

13. Moss Robeson, "Is Paula Dobriansky a Neo- Banderite?" Covert Action, July 4, 2018.

14. Ukrainian Observer, Jan.-Feb. 1952, p.15.

15. Ukrainian Review, 1954, p.72.

16. ABN Correspondence, Mar.-April 1982, p.33-35.

17. Ukrainian Observer (Jan-Feb 1952, p.15); Ukrainian Review (Winter 1954, p.72; Fall 1959, pp.94-95; Spring 1964, pp.14-16); ABN Correspondence (Mar-Apr 1957, p.14; Sep-Oct 1960, p.2; Jan-Feb 1960, p.16; Mar-Apr 1962, p.3; May-Jun 1962, p.32; Mar-Apr 1966, p.37; Nov-Dec 1966, p.5; Jul-Aug 1968, p.13; Jan-Feb 1969, pp.2,4,27; May-Jun 1970, pp.12-16; Jan-Feb 1979, p.43; Mar-Apr 1982, p.40; Jul-Oct 1982, pp.33, 58-62, 87-90; Sep-Oct 1990, p.19.)

18. George W. Bush, "Remarks at the Victims of Communism Memorial Dedication," June 12, 2007.

ABN Correspondence, Sept-Oct 1981, p.12.

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Stop Canadian government
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