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Defunding the Myths and Cults of
Cold War Canada:
Ongoing state support for East European
émigré groups with deep fascist roots

(Collaborators, Crusades and Coverups in an era of “truth and reconciliation”)

Issue #70, Press for Conversion! (Spring 2021)
of the
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
Read a summary of this issue            See articles on the state funding of fascist-linked groups

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Defunding Cold War Canada

Table of Contents

Canada’s anti-Red, Cold War propaganda in context
L.B.Pearson: Godfather of Cda’s Cold War on the new "Red" enemy
Pearson College and NATO’s United World Colleges
The CBC’s “Voice of Canada” --  Weapon of Cold War propaganda
‘Voice of America’ & the CIA’s ‘Radio Free Europe’ & “Radio Liberty’
L.B.Pearson: Groomed by King, St. Laurent & the ‘Big antiRed Machine'
Mackenzie King gave shocking praise for Hitler until the eve of war in 1939
Liberal immigration: "None is too many" and Too many is not enough
Why did King have such adoring admiration for Nazi Germany's dictator?
King loved Hitler’s hate speech against “Jewish international Bolshevism”

“Captive Nations” and their "Black-Ribbon-Day" crusade
The ignored historical context of “Black Ribbon Day” (Aug. 23, 1939)
“Captive Nations”: Nazi trope to CIA meme to Cold-War trump card
The “Captive Nations” conceit in Nazi propaganda
John Diefenbaker: Strong voice at the UN for “Captive Nations” bloc
The BRD campaign: Canada’s top Cold War propaganda export
The late Cold War context of the BRD crusade
Ongoing propaganda of the former "Captive Nations":
    (1) Canada’s anti-communism monument and (2) the Magnitsky laws

Far-right roots:
East European émigré groups in Canada & abroad

Estonian Central Council in Canada
   Estonia glorifies Nazi veterans as ‘freedom fighters’
Estonian World Council
Lithuanian Canadian Community and the Lithuanian World Community
   Lithuanian nationalists now have 'freedom' to glorify Nazi heritage
Latvian National Federation in Canada
World Federation of Free Latvians
Slovak World Congress and the Canadian Slovak League
Council of Free Czechoslovakia & Czechoslovak Nat'l Assoc. of Cda.

Ukrainian linchpin of Cda’s postwar, far-right diaspora
Krakow and Ottawa, 1940: "A Tale of Two Cities," and two UCCs:
(1) Germany’s Ukrainian Central Cttee. and (2) Canada's Ukrainian Canadian Cttee.

The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations & World AntiCommunist League
Yaroslav Stetsko: Leader of proNazi Ukraine, 1941

State-funded centres of Canada’s Bandera cult and its Bandera youth
Roman Shukhevych: Assassin, terrorist, war criminal and cult hero

Getting them young: Instilling Ukrainian patriotism in children and youth
Plast recruited for Nazi’s Waffen SS Galicia; now recruits for Ukraine
From Chomiak to Freeland: “keep that flame alive”
Chrystia Freeland: “Accidental journalist” or groomed for the job?
Myron Kuropas: Downplaying Holocaust; Exaggerating Holodomor
Turning from same page: Freeland wrote for pro-fascist publications
Yuri Shymko: From Bandera youth leader, MPP & MP, to elder statesman
Lisa Shymko: In the footsteps of family, community & far-right, war heroes
Rubbing political shoulders with the ABN in Toronto

The struggle continues...                                            Abridged Index

The "Captive Nations" conceit
in Nazi propaganda

By Richard

(Click here for a PDF to see this sidebar as it appears in print)

"They [the Jews] hold
we Christians captive in
our own land .... by their cursed usury."

A Nazi pamphlet in 1934 quoted from Martin Luther's 1543 book,
On the Jews and their Lies.

Nazi propaganda often used tropes of enslaved, subjugated and captivated nations. These appeared in countless speeches, books, pamphlets, articles, posters and cartoons. While Germany was said to be a captive nation, Nazi propaganda raised fears that the evil Moscow-based JudeoBolshevik slavemaster was bent on subjugating the world.

Such lies went back 400 years to Reformation leader Martin Luther. His book, On the Jews and their Lies (1543), told Germans to murder Jews, steal their possessions and burn their homes, schools and synagogues. A Nazi pamphlet, "Aryan Law" (1934), cited Luther: "They [the Jews] hold we Christians captive in our own land .... by their cursed usury."1

This common theme appeared in a Nazi pamphlet for youth on "The German National Catechism" (1939). It asked "How has the Jew subjugated the peoples?" and then replied: "With money. He lent them money and made them pay interest." Readers were then told that the "November Revolution of 1918 ... was the work of the Jew" who "incited people... and seduced them into treason."2

When blaming Jews for Germany’s failed 1918 revolution, Hitler used the same language of subjugation and slavery by saying that:

driven to sedition stands the hate-filled power of our Jewish foe ... who attempted to subjugate and make of our German Volk [ie, race, people, nation] its slave ... in November 1918.3

"Far be it from the Jews to enslave a single people.
Their goal is to devour
the entire world."

Julius Streicher, Nazi propagandist,
Der Stürmer, October 1936.

(Note the Masonic and Communist
symbols in the bottom corners)

Julius Streicher, a Nazi propagandist executed at Nuremberg, used similar tropes to describe "revolutions incited by the Jews" and "the Jewish drive for world domination ... when Germany was betrayed and enslaved." Jews, he said, desired the "final enslavement" of all Nazi and "Fascist-led peoples ... under the yoke of the world criminal Pan-Jewry."4 The idea that Jews were trying to enslave all nations was shown on the cover of Streicher’s magazine. Its vile cartoon of a fanged Jewish monster with a hammer and sickle, was captioned: "Far be it from the Jews to enslave a single people. Their goal is to devour the entire world."5

Hitler too promoted this Big Lie. He equated "plutocracy and Bolshevism" with "the common ambition of all Jews to exploit nations and make them the slaves of their international guild of criminals."6 The "plan," he said, of "Jewish-eastern Bolshevism" and "Jewish-western capitalism .... is to enslave all free nations."7 The Nazis used this "enslaved nations" motif to explain the need for WWII:

It is a matter of who shall live in Europe in the future: the white race with its cultural values and creativity, with its industry and joy in life, or Jewish subhumanity ruling over the stupid, joyless enslaved masses doomed to death.8

Shackled to this fascist idea that "Jewish World Domination would mean Tyranny and Slavery," was the Nazi hate for Soviets. As a Nazi booklet for soldiers and Hitler Youth noted: "[T]he Jews have their greatest hope in Russia" because it was "the springboard to reach [their] goals."9 The Jews, claimed Hitler, had taken over Russia and imposed "the most miserable type of slavery ... that the world has ever seen." Ruling this captive Soviet nation, said Hitler, was "the regime of commissars, ninety percent of whom are of Jewish descent, who control this whole slave state."10

Read more about how this vile ideology was embraced by:
       • Nazi Germany
       • Mackenzie King
       • Yaroslav Stetsko

In September 1943 when the Red Army was forcing the Nazi military to retreat after the Battle of Stalingrad, Hitler warned that Germany might become a captive nation:

"A defeated Germany would forever be the servant of the International Jews, whether under the club of a Bolshevist commissar or held captive by the chains of international economic slavery."11

Two months later, on November 21-22, 1943, with Nazi-Germany's support, Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists build an alliance of fascist East European armies. These collaborators, calling themselves the Committee of Subjugated Nations, were later rebranded the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations. As a driving force of the "Captive Nations" movement, it aided many far-right Cold War propaganda campaigns, including the "Black Ribbon Day" crusade.


1. Dr. E.H. Schulz and Dr. R. Frercks, "Why the Aryan Law?" 1934.

2. Werner May, "The German National Catechism," 1934.

3. Speech in Schwerin, Feb. 12, 1936, in Adolf Hitler: Collection of Speeches, 1922-1945, p.288.

4. Julius Streicher, "The Way to Slavery," Der Stürmer, Aug. 1939.

5. Der Stürmer, Oct. 1936, cover.

6. Proclamation at Fuhrer Headquarters, Feb. 24, 1943, in Adolf Hitler..., p.914.

7. Address to the Wehrmacht, Jan. 1, 1945, in Adolf Hitler... op. cit., p.974.

8. Wolfgang Diewerge, "The War Goal of World Plutocracy," 1941.

9. G.G.Otto, "The Jew as World Parasite," 1943.

10. Speech in Lowenbraukeller, Munich, Nov. 8, 1941, in Adolf Hitler..., op. cit., p.817.

11. "No Rebuilding without Victory," Redner-Schnellinform, Sept. 1943.

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(Or, how we learned to stop worrying,
keep calm and carry on loving the
myths that define and confine us.)


Read the introductory article:
"The Canada Syndrome,
a Captivating Mass Psychosis

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Fictive Canada
Indigenous Slaves
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Watch the COAT website
for news about....

  (1) an upcoming book
by Richard Sanders

with the
  working title...

The Grooming
of a Liberal
War Hawk
Chrystia Freeland

Stop Canadian government
funding of groups that
glorify Nazi collaborators

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