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Defunding the Myths and Cults of
Cold War Canada:
Ongoing state support for East European
émigré groups with deep fascist roots

(Collaborators, Crusades and Coverups in an era of “truth and reconciliation”)

Issue #70, Press for Conversion! (Spring 2021)
of the
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
Read a summary of this issue            See articles on the state funding of fascist-linked groups

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Defunding Cold War Canada

Table of Contents

Canada’s anti-Red, Cold War propaganda in context
L.B.Pearson: Godfather of Cda’s Cold War on the new "Red" enemy
Pearson College and NATO’s United World Colleges
The CBC’s “Voice of Canada” --  Weapon of Cold War propaganda
‘Voice of America’ & the CIA’s ‘Radio Free Europe’ & “Radio Liberty’
L.B.Pearson: Groomed by King, St. Laurent & the ‘Big antiRed Machine'
Mackenzie King gave shocking praise for Hitler until the eve of war in 1939
Liberal immigration: "None is too many" and Too many is not enough
Why did King have such adoring admiration for Nazi Germany's dictator?
King loved Hitler’s hate speech against “Jewish international Bolshevism”

“Captive Nations” and their "Black-Ribbon-Day" crusade
The ignored historical context of “Black Ribbon Day” (Aug. 23, 1939)
“Captive Nations”: Nazi trope to CIA meme to Cold-War trump card
The “Captive Nations” conceit in Nazi propaganda
John Diefenbaker: Strong voice at the UN for “Captive Nations” bloc
The BRD campaign: Canada’s top Cold War propaganda export
The late Cold War context of the BRD crusade
Ongoing propaganda of the former "Captive Nations":
    (1) Canada’s anti-communism monument and (2) the Magnitsky laws

Far-right roots:
East European émigré groups in Canada & abroad

Estonian Central Council in Canada
   Estonia glorifies Nazi veterans as ‘freedom fighters’
Estonian World Council
Lithuanian Canadian Community and the Lithuanian World Community
   Lithuanian nationalists now have 'freedom' to glorify Nazi heritage
Latvian National Federation in Canada
World Federation of Free Latvians
Slovak World Congress and the Canadian Slovak League
Council of Free Czechoslovakia & Czechoslovak Nat'l Assoc. of Cda.

Ukrainian linchpin of Cda’s postwar, far-right diaspora
Krakow and Ottawa, 1940: "A Tale of Two Cities," and two UCCs:
(1) Germany’s Ukrainian Central Cttee. and (2) Canada's Ukrainian Canadian Cttee.

The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations & World AntiCommunist League
Yaroslav Stetsko: Leader of proNazi Ukraine, 1941

State-funded centres of Canada’s Bandera cult and its Bandera youth
Roman Shukhevych: Assassin, terrorist, war criminal and cult hero

Getting them young: Instilling Ukrainian patriotism in children and youth
Plast recruited for Nazi’s Waffen SS Galicia; now recruits for Ukraine
From Chomiak to Freeland: “keep that flame alive”
Chrystia Freeland: “Accidental journalist” or groomed for the job?
Myron Kuropas: Downplaying Holocaust; Exaggerating Holodomor
Turning from same page: Freeland wrote for pro-fascist publications
Yuri Shymko: From Bandera youth leader, MPP & MP, to elder statesman
Lisa Shymko: In the footsteps of family, community & far-right, war heroes
Rubbing political shoulders with the ABN in Toronto

The struggle continues...                                            Abridged Index

Pearson College and NATO’s United World Colleges

By Richard Sanders

(Click here for a PDF to see this sidebar as it appears in print)

Pearson College pushes
the peace-hero cult of Lester Pearson by ignoring his role as a virulent Cold Warrior who supported US-led wars and cofounded NATO.

In 2017, BC’s Pearson College, a member of the United World Colleges (UWC) "movement," co-hosted an event with Global Affairs Canada at which then-Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland celebrated Lester B. Pearson as a "Canadian Icon" who promoted "peace, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law around the world."1

Pearson College president, Désirée McGraw,2 a prominent Liberal Party insider, noted that Minister Freeland is "an alumna of UWC Adriatic and a good and knowledgeable friend of the College and the UWC movement [who] spoke at this event to recognize her predecessor.3

Now-deputy prime minister, Freeland was a student at UWC Adriatic in Italy during her teens (1984-86).4 The UWC network of elitist boarding schools has shaped the minds of all manner of celebrities, royal-family members and other agents of influence.

Alumni from its 18 colleges on four continents have included those who ended up as heads of state, political decision makers, CEOs, venture capitalists, religious and military leaders, celebrity artists, actors and powerful members of the Fifth Estate. Besides training privileged kids of the elite, whose sponsors pay $100,000 for a two-year degree, the UWC also allows certain refugees on scholarships from specially selected war zones.

British Air Marshal Sir Lawrence Darvall
Commandant, NATO Defense College,
played a key role in creating the

United World Colleges

The UWC’s NATO origins

British Air Marshal Sir Lawrence Darvall played a key role in creating the UWC. The UWC website reveals that in 1955, its founder, Kurt Hahn, "visited the NATO Defense College in Paris" where Darvall was commandant (1953-55). There, Hahn "was inspired by the cooperation and loyalty to a common cause that he witnessed among military men who had been adversaries in World War Two."5 The military enemies who "inspired" Hahn with their "cooperation and loyalty" to NATO, included veterans of Italy and Germany which joined NATO in 1949 and 1955. Their "common cause" in NATO was a shared, seething hatred of communism, both at home and abroad. NATO embraced these fascists and Nazis, and their collaborators from Eastern Europe, because they all wanted to continue fighting the USSR.

Kurt Hahn, a German nationalist, converted from Judaism after WWII. "I am of the firm opinion," he said, "that you can fight Communism only on a Christian basis."6

The second factor that "laid the foundation of the UWC movement" was the "rapidly developing relationship" between Hahn and Darvall. One of their goals was to bring together promising young men in a milieu of proNATO/antiSoviet ideologies and to groom them for leadership roles. This "led directly to the concept of Atlantic College."7

Atlantic College, the UWC’s flagship, is housed in a 12th-century Welsh castle (St. Donat's) that was owned by US media mogul, William R.Hearst, in the 1930s. There he had such guests as Frank Sinatra, Clark Gable, Winston Churchill, Joseph P. Kennedy, his wife and their teen John F. Kennedy. Hahn and Darvall’s dream turned Hearst’s palace into an "international boarding school with boys in their formative years."8 Thus began an "international education system with the NATO Defense College at the apex," said US Colonel Richard Stillman, "to prepare students for their role in NATO affairs."9

US Col. Richard Stillman awarded Bronze Star from General Patton

Kurt Hahn began an "international education system with NATO Defense College at the apex,"
said Stillman, "to prepare students for their role
in NATO affairs."

The UWC’s global presidents have included such royal, military luminaries as Lord Mountbatten (1968-77).10 This followed his stint as chair of NATO’s Military Committee, and his role as the longest-serving chief of Britain’s "Defence Staff."

Pearson UWC Praises Trudeau

Formed in 1974, with groundwork laid by NATO co-founder, Lester B.Pearson, the "UWC of the Pacific," Pearson College, is a significant part of the UWC movement. In March 2016, Pearson UWC president McGraw addressed the Canadian International Council11 in Victoria. She began by saying it was "an honour" to be there on

  • "such an auspicious day with the announcement by our Prime Minister [Justin Trudeau] that Canada is making a bid to take a seat on the UN Security Council beginning in 2021!"

  • McGraw then praised Trudeau for his "often repeated declaration that Canada is back." (Emphasis added.) This she said was "music to the ears" of all of us who care about Canada’s role on the world stage—a role which has been severely diminished by successive governments since the glory days of the last half of the 20th century.12

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
    at the NATO Summit, 2018

    During those "glory days" of "Pearsonian Internationalism," Liberal governments distinguished themselves as loyal Cold Warriors, and provided as much support as they could to US-led wars and coups while still billing themselves as global guardians of peace and justice.

    Liberal governments of the 21st century continue this noble tradition of hypocrisy and duplicity.

    References and Notes

    1. Chrystia Freeland statement on the 60th anniversary of Pearson receiving the Nobel Prize for Peace, Dec. 10, 2017.

    2. MacGraw, a former senior advisor to PM Paul Martin, was designated a "Young Global Leader" by the World Economic Forum along with John Baird and Chrystia Freeland.

    3. Désirée McGraw, Celebrating a Canadian Icon & Raising Awareness, Dec. 15, 2017.

    4. UWC Adriatic, Alumni Profiles

    5. UWC History & Founding Ideas

    6. Ibid.

    7. Carl Flesch, Who’s Not Who and Other Matters, 2006, p.107.

    8. John Hodder, Atlantic College, cited by US Col. Richard Stillman, "NATO Defense College," Military Review, Professional Journal of the US Army, Jan. 1964.

    9. Stillman, ibid. 

    (Note: Colonel Richard Stillman taught at the US Army War College and NATO Defense College, 1960-1964.)

    10. UWC History... op.cit.

    11. McGraw is a former advisor of CIC Montreal. CIC, which calls itself "Canada’s premier forum for global affairs," is a propaganda mill created by elite politicians, businessmen and media moguls. Tory Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden (1911-20) became its first president in 1928.

    12. Désirée McGraw, "The role of education in international cooperation—how Canada plays its part," Mar.16, 2016.

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