Click above to read their reviews of
"Defunding the Myths and Cults of Cold War Canada"

Click above to learn why these
activists, scholars and writers signed
our petition and why you should too! |
Please click below to sign
Canadian government
funding of groups
that glorify Nazi collaborators
petition has so far been endorsed by these organizations:
Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians,
Anti-Imperialist Alliance ,
Anti-Imperialist Alliance Ottawa,
Association of United Ukrainian
Canadians (AUUC), AUUC Edmonton, Boundary
Peace Initiative,
Canada Palestine Association,
Canadian BDS Coalition,
Canadian Council of Muslim Women - Montreal,
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute,
Canadian Serbian Alliance,
Community Coalition Against Racism (Hamilton),
Childhood Intercultural Partnerships Program,
Esprit de Corps magazine (Read
Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice,
Geopolitical Economy Research Group, Gerald and Maas,
Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear
Power in Space,
Greater Toronto for BDS,
Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War,
Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) Canada, IJV Calgary,
IJV Edmonton,
IJV Vancouver, IJV
- Voix Juives Indépendantes Montréal,
Just Peace Advocates,
Kingston Peace Council,
Manitoba Peace Council,
Mobilization Against War and Occupation - Vancouver,
Oakville Palestinian Rights Association,
Ontario Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines,
Ottawa Peace
Council, Ottawa Serbian
Heritage Society (Read
Palestinian and Jewish Unity,
Peace Alliance Winnipeg, Project Ploughshares Saskatoon, Regina
Peace Council,
Rights Action,
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network,
Saskatoon Peace Coalition,
Socialist Action / Ligue pour l'Action socialiste,
The Canada Files, Veterans Against Nuclear
Arms - Saskatoon,
Victoria Peace Coalition,
West Coast
Coalition Against Racism and
World BEYOND War. |