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Defunding the Myths and Cults of
Issue #70,
Press for Conversion!
(Spring 2021)
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to support this work: Please sign our PETITION to: Stop Canadian government funding of groups that glorify Nazi collaborators |
Defunding Cold War Canada Table of Contents Canada’s anti-Red, Cold War
propaganda in context |
The struggle continues... (Click here for a PDF to see this article as it appears in print) Despite pledges of "truth and reconciliation" for committing genocide, and vows to stop systemic racism, the Canadian government continues its Cold War funding of East European émigré groups that still glorify Nazi collaborators as war heroes. Cold War Canada shared the Red Scare paranoia of the AntiBolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) which saw the USSR and homegrown "peaceniks" as the top threats to peace, order and democracy. Their shared antiRed psychoses justified Canadian complicity in NATO’s first-strike policies, rationalised the provision of Canadian weapons and troops to wage US-led wars killing millions of civilians, and supported McCarthyesque attacks on leftwing opponents of these horrendous Cold War policies. To spread their anticommunist myths, the ABN’s diehard, East European foot soldiers locked step with their allies in government and the media. Many Canadian officials were feted at ABN meetings, rallies, conferences and banquets—where they shared photo ops with infamous Nazi collaborators like Yaroslav Stetsko. Even now, long after the USSR’s destruction, Canada’s "captive nations" groups— riddled with apologists for war heroes who aided the Nazi’s antiRed cause—keep their forebears’ flames alive by fanning the fire of a new Cold War against Russia and various socialist enemies. These far-right groups and their political and media allies still smeer their shared enemies with deceits like Black Ribbon Day. (See also.) Virulently anticommunist and Russophobic, Canada’s largest, state-supported East European émigré groups continue to hide the racist and fascist ties of their founding leaders. They also deny their roles in the political and ethnic cleansing programs of WWII that were viciously justified by conjuring up the Western elites’ much-reviled Judeo-Bolshevik bogeyman. Still dominating Canada’s East European groups are those which the Liberal government united under the aegis of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress in 1940. By expediting the early postwar influx of 160,000 antiSoviet East Europeans, Canada’s Liberals bolstered support for their hawkish Cold War policies. Their ongoing largesse is now most blatant in the funding of Ukrainian-Canadian groups that still glorify fascist, war criminals with cult-like zeal. Although the ABN’s so-called "captive nations" often saw success in the election of their fellow travellers, none have come closer to power than Chrystia Freeland. Given how closely she identifies with this political heritage, and given the government’s ongoing, Cold War support for this far-right diaspora, Canadians need to be increasingly wary of their government’s bellicose, proUS/proNATO foreign policies. |
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