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On Feb.27, 2022, Deputy
Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland
proudly tweeted this image of her holding a
fascist red-and-black banner at a rally against Russia's invasion to deNazify/demilitarize
Ukraine. This Blood and Soil banner, at a protest of the gov't-created,
proNATO Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) in Toronto, was the official battle
flag of Stepan Bandera's Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Under this banner, and the
"Slava Ukraini"
Bandera's army aided the Holocaust with political- and ethnic-cleansing
programs that killed countless Jews, Poles, Russians and Ukrainian communists.
Bandera's Russophobic, antisemitic, white-power army assisted Nazi Germany for
much of WWII. They even kept waging their terrorist campaigns against the
Soviets until the early 1960s.
The Canadian government has funded and otherwise supported Banderite cult groups in this country since giving safe haven to many thousands of Nazi collaborators after WWII. Canada's Banderites are primarily represented by the League of Ukrainian Canadians (LUC), the Ukrainian Youth Assoc. and the UCC. The UCC, whose leadership has been dominated by LUC Banderites for decades, has groomed Freeland since at least 1990 when she was lionized by Ukrainian nationalists, the Canadian government, and corporate mass media after being identified as a "banderite enemy of the Soviet people" by the USSR government because she interfered in Soviet Ukraine's elections. LUC, the UCC and other Canadian government-funded ethnonationalist Ukrainian emigre groups still glorify Bandera and revere the veterans of his UPA, as well as the Nazi armed and led Waffen SS Galicia, as if they were "freedom fighters." Canadian government finances the right-wing Ukrainian diaspora's cultural centres, programs, parades and monuments which still shamelessly celebrate their fascist founders, leaders and war heroes.
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"Government-funded centres of Canadas Bandera cult
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Government-funded centres
Canadas Bandera youth
On July 20, 2015, the Canadian government's Western Economic Diversification Canada gave $70,000 to "Revitalize the Ukrainian Youth Centre in Calgary".7 Photographs of the UYAs national leadership conference held at this Calgary centre show that it has portraits of OUN(B) fascist military leaders Stepan Bandera and Yevhen Konovalets. Konovalets was an OUN leader (1929-38) who commanded its military organization in the 1930s. Having met Hitler in 1933, he pushed for Nazi policies in Eastern Europe. Ukrainian cultural centres in Toronto Ukrainian Cultural Centre in downtown Toronto housed offices of the UYA and Homin Ukrainy (Ukrainian Echo), LUCs government-funded paper launched by OUN(B) activists in 1948.8 From 1960 until its 2015 sale, it hosted many LUC meetings, banquets and artistic events. Neighbouring Etobicoke also boasts a Ukrainian centre. In 2012, it hosted a national UYA event honouring the birth of Yaroslav Stetsko, a leader of the OUN(B), the ABN and the World AntiCommunist League. Uniformed youth marched with Stetskos portrait and the battle flag of Banderas fascist army.9 For the UYAs 65th anniversary in 2013, then-UCC
President Paul Grod posed with youth activists from across Canada. (See
photograph below.)
Other photos from this event show that the Etobicoke centre also gives pride of
place to portraits of Stetsko and Yevhen Konovalets.10
Shukhevych Ukrainian Canadas largest Ukrainian centre, the Roman Shukhevych Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex in Edmonton, is named after another nationalist war hero. Shukhevych, a Ukrainian war criminal, fought communists before, during and after WWII. The 27,000-sq.ft centre named for him includes classrooms, a library, gym, pool and a huge meeting hall with portraits of Bandera, Shukhevych and other revered "heroes." The complex was built in 1973 for the equivalent of $4.7 million today, with 10% of this from Albertas government. Funding also came from the Government of Canada, LUC, its women and youth affiliates, the local Nazi Waffen-SS Galicia veterans group and Ukrainian Catholic churches.11 (According to the Public Accounts of Canada, the Shukhevych Centre received $279,000 for renovations in 2015.) The centres grand opening event in 1973 "combined militaristic, religious, folkloristic and vlkisch elements" and was blessed by Edmontons Ukrainian Catholic Bishop. Politicians from the mayor and MLAs to Albertas Conservative premier, Peter Lougheed, all gave glowing speeches. There were also Ukrainian nationalist hymns, poems by uniformed children and patriotic youth singing soldiers songs. Describing the scene, an Edmonton-based Ukrainian Catholic paper, Ukrainian News, said that the Shukhevych Youth Centre would "raise and harden a new generation of fighters for the liberation of Ukraine, ready to unite its strength with the forces of the warriors for the captive Ukraine. [It invokes] the name and the activities of General Chuprynka [Shukhevychs nom de guerre], St[epan] Bandera and other outstanding Ukrainian activists and path breakers...."12
In 1981-82, this Ukrainian-language Catholic paper was edited by Michael Chomiak, grandfather of Canadas deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland. Prior to his being its editor he had written articles for the paper. As a youth, Freeland also worked for this same publication. (See also.) Outside Edmontons centre is a "larger-than-life bronze bust of a uniformed Shukhevych," where, said historian Per Anders Rudling, "believers ... perform their nationalist rituals."13 These commemorative rites celebrating Shukhevychs place in the pantheon of Bandera cult idols have involved uniformed veterans of fascist armies and Ukrainian youth.
The Banderite Ukrainian Youth Association (UYA) has branches in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Germany, Ukraine, the UK and US. In 2009, its World Executive Committee met in Munich to plan their 8th world meeting (held in Vancouver during the 2010 Olympics).
Sheltered from history by their elders, Bandera youth are unaware that their nationalist heroes were fascists with leading roles in the genocide of Jews, Poles and communists. Being raised in the Bandera cult, these youth are taught to denounce such facts as Russian lies, smears and propaganda. References 1. Oleh Romanyshyn, "The Canadian League for the Liberation of Ukraine," Ukrainian Review, Spr. 1990. 2. The UYA was based on Britains Boy Scouts, begun in 1907 by Lt.Gen. Sir Robt Baden-Powell, who served British imperial interests in India and in South Africa. 3. History of the Ukrainian Youth Assoc., UYA website 4. Banquet commemorating CYMs 70th anniversary in the Diaspora, Mar. 10, 2016. 5. Grod became UWC president after Czolij (2008-18). Previous presidents included Canadians: Catholic Father Wasyl Kushnir leader of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood (1967-69, 1973-78) and SS veteran Peter Savaryn (1983-88). UWC Presidents 6. Romanyshyn, op. cit., pp.8-9. 7. "Revitalize the Ukrainian Youth Centre in Calgary" 2015-2016. Richard Sanders, "Govt Funds another fascist-revering Bandera Youth Centre," Freeland Watch (Context), Jun.26, 2020. 8. Romanyshyn, op. cit., pp. 11-12. 9. "100th anniversary of OUN-B chairperson Yaroslav Stetsko" (trans.), March 5, 2012. 10. See dozens of photos from this event: 11. Per A. Rudling, "Multiculturalism, Memory and Ritualization: Ukrainian Nationalist Monuments in Edmonton, Alb.," p.743-44. 12. M. Tysivskyi, "Dim Ukrainskoi Molodi v Edmontoni," Ukrainski Visti, May 9, 1974, p.4. Cited by Rudling, Ibid, p.745. 13. Ibid, p.744. 14. Plenary session of Druzhynnyky speakers, Oct.14, 2009. 15. Photos of LUC youth at Bandera
commemorations, Oct.22, 2009.
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